part 1; The move

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As everyone was putting things into the car almost ready to leave Amira wasn't. She was dragging her feet across the ground and was taking her sweet time.

"Ria. We do not have time for this. We have made it very clear that we are moving and your protests don't help.!"

Amira ground as she still took her time and got kicked off packing duty.
Once everyone had finished and the for sale sign was now on the house Micheal shook hands with the owner who'd help them move into a new house. He gave them the directions to get to the house, and with an evil grin he glared at amira.
Amira didn't have a good feeling about it. She didn't like that glare and knew something was up.
The owner waved them off as they left the driveway
He walked into the now empty house as the family made their way down the road.
Once the family had gotten to the house they walked up to the door and knocked on it.

"Oh hello? Are you here for the house?"
"Uh yes. Who are you?"
"I'm the owner of the house. Come on in."

Micheal looked at them with confusion before walking into the house.
The house they wanted was miles from the house they just walked into.
They were in the middle of nowhere, Amira was skeptical.

"Why are we so far out in the woods? I thought the house was in actual civilization?"
The owner just grinned before brushing her comments off.
"Here is the bedrooms. Downstairs is the basement.
Do not go down there."
He very clearly meant it.
"Nobody Is allowed in the basement for any reason. At ALL."
He glared before grinning down at them and walking past.
Something about him made the teens stomach hurt.she felt his stare pierce her neck as she glanced at the basement door.
"What's so bad about the basement?"
She jumped as she turned around thinking her brother was behind her.
"Bad infection of rats. You go down there who knows what'll happen."
"You mean infestation??"
"That too." He walked past Amira making his way back over towards the parents.
She couldn't help but glance at the basement door. She walked over to it and noticed it needed numbers. The padlock on it wouldn't budge without the combination.
"Fuck." She mumbled. She jumped at the sudden touch of a cold hand.
"You don't listen to you.?" His voice stern against her head as he looked down at her.
"I do. I was just curious. What's so important down there?? Why can't we see. We bought the house."
"So? It's my house. That I'm letting you guys live in."
He informed her, ignoring her question as he dragged her back over to her family.

• to be continued ! •

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