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I step out of the chilly climate of the airport into the warm place they call LA. I tugged my suitcases along while looking at my phone to see if my uber had arrived. Suddenly, I heard a shrill scream and looked over to see a woman being beaten. It instantly took me back to the memories I came here to leave behind.

I got a bit closer to them having the natural urge to protect the woman. The protection was not needed though, because the police and the firefighters were here to take care of it. I took notice of how the man immediately changed his demeanor when the terrifying looking police officer arrived. The paramedics helped the woman and tended to her wounds, the rest of the firefighters made sure the crowd was far away from the man for their safety.

One of the firefighters looked familiar and when we made eye contact he took a second to believe I was actually here. My childhood friend, Ravi Panikkar, exploded with joy upon seeing me. "Didi?" he shouted with excitement, then came running to hug me. It was a sweet reunion, having not seen my childhood bestfriend in a few years now. "Hey, it's so nice to finally see you" I replied, "You too, (Y/N)", he said while letting go of me.

During our short greeting, the paramedics finished patching up the woman and came over. Seeing this, the other firefighters also decided on joining us. The first one to reach was a 50-something-year old man. He introduced himself as Bobby Nash, the captain of the 118. The other names I managed to catch were Buck, Chimney (theres definitely a story behind that), Hen and Eddie, who I have to admit was an attractive man.

After the introductions were done, I was asked to accompany them back to the station. "Oh no it's alright, I wouldn't want to be a bother", I replied. "No no you wouldn't be bothering anybody, it's the end of my shift I can take you back to my place" Ravi reassured me. I agreed, as he seemed so insistent on showing me where he worked. He loaded up my suitcases into the engine and helped me settle into the window seat. His co-workers were nice but I wasn't in the mood to chat after getting off a 20 hour flight.

After a detailed tour of the whole station, he took me with him to his apartments. It was about a 30 minute drive away so we had plenty of time to catch up. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to LA? I could've picked you up." Ravi asked after an awkward silence. "I wanted it to be a surprise! I haven't seen you in so long i thought you'd like it" I replied, it was only a little true. Truth was I didn't tell anyone I was going to LA, I packed up my stuff one night and fled to the only person I knew would take me with open arms.

"Why are you actually here (Y/N)? I know you did not come here just to give me a surprise.", he said while glancing at me. "Its complicated. Things between me and Anand aren't good, so I came here for a little break.", I told him. Again, it wasn't a complete lie, things between me and my husband weren't good but I just didn't tell him how bad they actually were. Ravi decided against inquiring further and soon we reached out destination.

He helped me carry my suitcases up to his apartment and gave me a little tour of the whole place. "You're welcome to stay as long as you like Didi.", he said. I could hear it in his tone that he actually meant it. After settling in a bit I decided to take a little nap, exhausted because of the events of today.

When I awoke, I noticed Ravi was no longer in the apartment. I decided to make myself familiar with the place, considering I was going to be staying a while.

I really needed to figure out what I was going to do next.

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