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yunmi can i tell you something

yeah of course what is it?

okay so someone weird sent me a picture of you and gyuvin on the night of yejun's death

me and gyuvin?

uhm yeah
you're both outside of chaeri college

... what
i don't remember
can you send me it

*image attached*

oh my god

wait but there's more

i don't need it
i'm gonna fucking talk to him


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Yunmi stormed out of the room and made her way to the living room. Surprisingly all three boys were sat there on their phones, which was weird to see all of them together. She had a glance of Gunwook and Ricky's faces, shocked as if they've just seen something on their phones.

The girl stomped inside, her footsteps louder than her racing heart that was pummeling in her body. All of the boys looked up at her in surprise as she came into the room in fury. Yunmi grabbed Gyuvin by the collar and pulled him towards her. "We need to talk." She said with gritted teeth. "Right now."

Gyuvin raised a brow in amusement. "Are you trying to flirt with me? It might be working. " Yunmi scoffed and let him go, just to give him eyes that would probably leave him dead him if looks could kill. "Damn okay what did I do?" He raised his arms.

She scoffed and pulled him by the arm. "You're coming with me." She began to drag him by the arm into another room. The other two just sat up straight in surprise.

She shoved him into the kitchen and slammed the double doors. She turned to him with raging eyes, and it looked as if smoke was about to come out of her ears. "What the fuck is this?" She asked him as she showed him the picture Yujin sent. "Why are we there? At the place of the crime? Together?"

Gyuvin glanced at the photo and squinted in confusion. "I don't know. But who the fuck took this photo?"

"I beg to differ." She rolled her eyes and snatched the phone back. "Did we both see Yejun before he died?"

Gyuvin sighed. "Yes, we did-"

"What?" She shrieked.

"Let me explain" Gyuvin sighed. "You were out of your mind, and you texted him and told me we were going to Chaeri college to meet him because he was going to spread something about you."

"And you never bothered to fucking tell me?" She yelled, her eyes watering. But they wouldn't fall yet, not until she reached her limit. "Gyuvin what the fuck?"

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