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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Interviews Four and Five: Kim Gyuvin and Park Gunwook

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Hanbin sat opposite Gyuvin and struggled to even look the boy in the eye. Now he had some more things he had to ask Gyuvin about and he doubted he would even tell the truth.

He took the phone out of his pocket and carefully placed it between them. The two exchanged no words and Hanbin sighed. "Interview Four: Kim Gyuvin."

"This is just going to be about your relationship with Yejun, and you only answer honestly." He looked Gyuvin in the eye with hard eyes to make sure this well known trouble maker doesn't start anything.

Gyuvin shrugged and crossed his arms. The first red flag – it was known that this behaviour could suggest the person feeling unwilling to open up and Hanbin cleared his throat before asking the first question.

"How did you become friends with Yejun? And what was it like from the beginning until the day he died?"

"We were never friends." Gyuvin replied blamkly. "He never liked me, I never liked him. It was like that for the years that he was in our group."

"Is there a reason for that?"

"You know this alre–" Gyuvin rolled his eyes.

"It's for the interview." Hanbin said, his voice unusually clear, indicating to Gyuvin that Hanbin wasn't playing around this time.

"Yeah, Yunmi." He bit the insides of his cheek. "I liked her a lot at that time, and he randomly joined our group saying he wants her and I hated him since."

"Because of a girl?"

He nodded. "Yes because of a girl. I'm not proud of it, but I had strong feelings for her, and it was clear he would do things to intentionally piss me ofd."


"Whenever I was around he'd just flirt with her and get all touchy with her. Always text the group photos of them hanging out. Oh and he'd come to me for 'Yunmi advice' which was the worst."

"Yunmi advice?" Matthew knitted his brows together. "You actually talked to him?"

He nodded. "Whenever he needed help to make Yunmi happy he'd come ask me and I'd help him."

"Did you give him actual advice?"

Gyuvin nodded. "Well yeah, if it was to make her happy then I'd do anything." He kept his arms crossed and sighed. "But there was more things to why we hated each other, Yunmi was just the main reason."

"Why else?" Hanbin questioned in interest. Everyone had suspected that it was just all about Yunmi between the two.

"He'd always try one up me in conversations with my own friends, slag me off to teachers so he would seem innocent, he just treated me like shit. Which was also how I treated him, except all I did was hate on him in secret. But I'd still try be respectful to his face for Yunmi's sake."

"And did you even retaliate to the way he treated you?" Gyuvin nodded with a guilty expression and Hanbin almost smiled from the fact that there was more evidence on this.

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