chapter 1: the lab

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It all begins in the lab.. where the experiment happened

"2003 September 12th"

The scientist walks out with a small glass container with a greyish blue liquid releasing smoke.
He dumps the liquid on a piece of aluminium foil. And there is what a appears to be a black grain of rice.

"Hey joey!" The scientist calls out

"Hey what's this?" Joey sighed.

"Its called a flesh worm. It's a worm that burrows into your skin to remove cancer.... How about you touch it and we'll test it!" The scientist said.

Joey responded "really? Shouldn't you test it on like a bug or something?"

"Just trust me! It's fully safe!" The scientist exclaimed.

"Ugh fine. So what do I do? Just touch it?" Joey snarled

"Uhh yeah it think that would work" the scientist responded hesitantly

Joey then touched the ''flesh worm''
And immediately fell backward. His eyes went bloodshot. He then fell limp to the ground. The scientist shot out of the room to call emergency service. "Pick up! Pick up!!" He exclaimed while calling 911. "911 what's your emergency".
"Hello this is at the dalim lab!! Something went wrong with a test and my friend is dying!!" He exclaimed breathlessly. "Ok we are sending emergency services now. We will be there in roughly 10 minutes. Try to calm your friend if you can" the dispatcher stated. Then suddenly the power went out. The scientist quickly ran over to the emergency generator to find it completely destroyed.. he ran over to joey's body. It was gone. He then
Felt a sharp pain in his foot. He turned around to see a foot long flesh worm digging into him. He fell back paralyzed. The last thing he saw was Joey's rotting skin with flesh strings and veins swinging out of holes in his head. His bloodshot eyes and big toothy grin made him look insane. The scientist realised that the flesh worms were controlling his body. Before he died he realised one last thing. Joey.. was standing up completely fine other than the obvious flesh worm damage.

They were both found dead with strings of flesh worms ripping out their flesh... While the EMS workers were checking for any evidence on what happened he turned around to see a weird fleshy body barely held together. Carrying out a dead body covered in blood. He turned and grinned at the EMS workers. Then he ran out of the building. They immediately ran out to find it. But they couldn't. All they found was trails of blood leading to behind the lab. Where they found the scientist's rotting body

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