Traffic Light Trio Littles and Caregivers

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Time to get to know the Littles and Caregivers!

MK- Little and Caregiver

Pronouns: He/She

Sexuality: Pansexual, Trans (I've fallen down the Trans MK rabbit hole)

STATUS- Dating Red Son and Mei Lie

(Yes, I ship the Traffic Light Trio)

Little: When Mk's little, he's quite the stubborn child and can cause ruckus and fuss at times, but he means no harm! He's very much obsessed with Monkey cop and loves to draw people pictures.

Caregiver: MK is a great Caregiver! Thought at times he can get a bit overwhelmed, he's lucky to have help from his dads. He'll do anything to make his Littles happy and have a great time :)


Caregivers and Babysitters~ Sun Wukong, Red Son, Mei, Pigsy, Tang and Macaque


MEI LIE- Little and Caregiver

Pronouns: She/They

Sexuality- Bisexual

STATUS- Dating Red Son and Mk

Little: Mei's a Little, because at times her family puts pressure on her to become like Ao lie, which gives Mei stress, thinking she has to be like Ao Lie. When she's a Little, Mei is a Ball of Hyperactivity. she very active, she can and will make you stay up late, even when you don't know it. She has MILLIONS OF PLUSHIES!!! Each with their own name.

Caregiver: Mei's a loving Caregiver, who'll always mange to put a smile on for her littles. She's very understanding at times, and when her littles are upset, she takes them out to the arcade and some ice cream.


Caregivers and Babysitters~ Red Son, MK and Ao Bing


RED SON- Little and Caregiver

Pronouns: He/She/They

Sexuality: Bisexual, Genderfluid (doesn't give a fuck about gender)

STATUS- Dating Mei and MK

Little: When Red Son's a little, he's usually quiet and can't ask for help easily, but his Caregivers are there to help! He takes steps one by one. Sometimes, he causes a ruckus here and there (maybe burning the kitchen down...) Little Red Son can also hold small grudges against others, whether it's promising to go somewhere or other. He's an adorable fireball!

Caregiver: Being a Caregiver is tad bit hard for Red Son, since he didn't have great Parents (though they are improving!) Red Son tries his best to get his Littles to be happy whether it's showing them a trick or doing a magic show! His Littles love when he puts on a Magic Show :)

Caregivers and Babysitters~ Mei, MK, Iron Fan, Demon Bull King

Traffic Light Trio is done! I'll do more of these. I'm also currently working on a request! :)

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