1 - Late Night!! So sugoi

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You stared blankly at the TV feeling ever so slightly bored now that Kenji's moved back to Japan to further pursue his baseball career. At first you were not so subtly very against the idea of being so far away from the man in the first place, but you couldn't imagine moving with him in an unfamiliar area not knowing a single word in Japanese. 

Which ultimately resulted in you staying in the United States while Ken stayed in Japan. It's only been a few days and you already deeply regret your decision. The house was so empty and quiet you missed when Ken came home in some sort of mood, but that was what you liked about him. Well, more so one of the areas. He wasn't all sad and broody. 

However, this experience so far has made you, yourself, moody. Not only have you gotten accustomed to making meals for two, you also expect to see a small pile of laundry that isn't yours. It made you feel less purposeful. 

Then again, the idea that you couldn't live without Ken was as repulsing as it was when you were offered to leave with him. The sudden ignition of spite motivated you to pull through and simply deal with the fact that you would now be a long distance couple. There was no need to stay so sad all the time if you were still in a relationship.

You suddenly snapped out of your thoughts after realizing you had been so consumed by them worrying about the aspects of potential changes in your life and their impacts. It made you wonder how Ken felt about it. Surely he wasn't completely fine or indifferent towards it. Was he?

You checked your phone to see if you had received any new texts or updates on his flight or stay at Japan. Nothing yet. Sighing, you got off the couch and made your way towards the kitchen to make yourself something light to eat. Given that you've had almost nothing since that morning, too busy worrying if Ken was doing well. 

Just before you could come to terms with the silence and whatnot, you heard the news broadcast play quite loudly on your TV. Typically, something like that never caught your attention, but this one time you wanted to listen in. It was likely just another unfortunate killing. 

Instead of what you expected to see on the screen, you saw a headline talking about Ultraman finally making an appearance in Japan. Surely, this man was so important that he appeared on the news of a completely different country? This quickly caught your attention as the live feed was an old, frail, lady giving her personal opinion on the matter of Ultraman. It wouldn't be a surprise to you if she had anything negative to say. 

After all, there's a saying to never meet your heroes. It often results in disaster. 

You had to admit, Ultraman had an impressive build. It made you curious if he was always in a suit, or always humongous. Perhaps he was like Spiderman? That would have been a cool and amusing concept. Just then, you got a phone call from Ken.

You let out a small gasp and answer immediately.

"Hello? I just saw the news. Did you get to see that big dude, Ultraman?" You asked curiously, swaying back and forth on the heels of your feet. 

The man on the other line only chuckled at your excited tone. He didn't need to see you for it to be evident that you were smiling. 

"Did I? Ah, no...I was uhm, far away," Ken responded sounding mildly amused and paused for a moment to finish his thoughts. "I just wanted to check up on how you were doing? Y'know...without me? Your one and only lover?"

You deadpanned and slightly pulled the phone away from your ear to hold back a sigh. Ken always managed to subtly brag about anything that involved him. It could be both annoying and entertaining. "I'm doing just fine. Please stop acting like I'm an orphan running on limited money..." You'd never admit it out loud that you did miss him a little. Or a lot.

Ken laughed yet again. Your snarky responses were always oddly hilarious to him. There was a sudden sound of  infant-like laughter in the background which made you raise a brow.

"What was that?" You asked leaning back onto a wall with a peculiar tone apparent in your voice. 

Ken fell silent for a moment before nervously answering your question. 

"What was what? Are you hearing something? I didn't hear anything," He promptly laughed with enough nervousness to make you know that something is up.

"What are you hiding?"

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