3 - Ultramug

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After having the brightest most well-thought out plan made on a whim, you went to sleep.

Not before booking a flight as soon as possible, of course. Even if it cost you a fortune, when it came out of your pocket at least.

Anywho, the following morning was much more productive than your last night was. You were quite glad to be on vacation. A conveniently super long vacation. Although you expected to be staying in bed all day rather than packing your things to visit Tokyo Japan. 

Hauling a bunch of clothes and a few essentials together into an old luggage bag was the least of your worries for the rest of your trip. 

The plan was to surprise Kenji with your arrival. Hence, why you didn't use your shared account. Since you couldn't get a flight for the next day, you got one that was a little later in the week. Which gave you enough time to actually think about what you wanted to pack instead of rushing and forgetting anything important.

Speaking of important, you picked up the pamphlet from your nightstand and read over the details once more. Now that you weren't as tired as you were last night...things would make more sense. 

You could have sworn that it was a letter. Not a pamphlet. They shouldn't have been that hard to differentiate. You decided not to give it much thought, just excusing the mistake because you were sleep deprived that night. 

Man, you really needed to make some friends. Traveling to Japan on a whim because you thought it was some sort of sign probably indicated your mental state. Were you really that lonely? Possibly. Then again you wouldn't be able to make such poor choices if you spent your time hanging out with friends. Having freedom had its pros and cons.  In which you will be happily ignoring the cons.

It's not like balance doesn't exist, but you would rather not have deep thoughts so early in the morning. Was it any better than being tired during nighttime? Very likely.

Nonetheless, that day you spent most of your time actually planning instead of pretending that you did. At one point you realized that you forgot when you accused Ken of having a second family. What if he really did? Then visiting would have been pointless, right? Catching Ken cheating wasn't on your bucket list, but it would be better than being in the dark about that matter. Ignorance wasn't always bliss. 

Maybe you should give him another call to clear things up? The issue was that by now he's already had enough time to make up some elaborate lie, so it was either surprise yourself and lose a boyfriend, or surprise Ken and have some time to enjoy his presence before heading back home? Both were plausible.

It's looking like you'll have to prepare more than physical objects for this trip. A mental preparation was due and the deadline was near. 

Actually, even if there was a possibility of being cheated on you didn't want to come over empty-handed. A small present would be nice. Why were you so bent on Ken possibly cheating? You groaned and smacked yourself in the face. In other words, facepalmed. 

It was an attempt to knock some sense into yourself. Ken wasn't like that, sort of. You've never seen him blatantly flirt with anybody. Not while you were dating him, which you still are. What if the partner he was probably-maybe-potentially cheating on you with was hot? You wouldn't be so mad if that were the case. You weren't picky, and you somehow ended up with a successful baseball player that was known to keep people at arm's distance.

Surely that meant you had incredible charisma or looks? Not everyone got the chance to date such a handsome man and manage to keep him in a relationship long enough to form an actual connection instead of being distant with each other. The same couldn't be said in a physical aspect. You looked yourself in the mirror and thoroughly checked yourself out.

Concluding that it was likely charisma. 

Oh, wait. Didn't you have his father's number? Your shoulders sagged in great relief that you had a source to gain information that wouldn't be sugarcoated with lies. Surely the man was as blunt as his son was?

A call would be too risky. Leaving a message felt safer for your dignity and element of surprise.

Before you got too distracted with that you remembered about the gift you wanted to bring Ken. There were several things that you could do. Make a homemade present and get him to try and appreciate the little things or spend more money on a gift that he may actually like? The man was a rather expensive person after all. It was hard to afford his expectations.

Neither of you were creative, finding anything that wasn't printer paper would be difficult. What would you even make? A card that looked like some child made it? That would be funny and sad at the same time.

After spending a good chunk of your time trying to decide on a gift to give Ken...you had nothing. He probably has a bajillion bats an baseballs already. You felt as though if you were to give him that; he would find it shallow. Perhaps a new uniform? What could this man possibly want? 

Well, nothing, but you felt compelled to have something in hand to gift him. 

Perhaps something cheap and sentimental would be good. Like a mug. An Ultraman mug. He was probably a fan of Ultraman as a kid. It took you some time to find the perfect mug for Ken. 

Hopefully the order will come in time, and the package will come intact. You felt rather proud of yourself this time for actually taking the time to find and buy Ken a nice gift. It was very uh, charming. A very fitting word for the Ken Sato.

You didn't notice how late it was already, okay it was only 10:00 pm, but you felt as though that was an appropriate time to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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