2 - Johnny, Johnny, Yes Papa

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You heard a gulp over the phone, which was very out of character for Ken. What could Ken possibly be nervous about? This made you feel conflicted between being concerned or suspicious. The last time you saw him he was so incredibly smug it blinded you. Figuratively and literally. His teeth were brighter than your future, he was often grinning or smiling. 

"Oh, come on, Ken. You're not actually hiding something are you?" You chuckled and glanced back at the TV. "You're acting like...you won the lottery, and you don't want to be associated with me anymore."

Which, couldn't be possible because he's already famous and rich. Unless he suddenly had a change of heart? You clenched your free hand into a fist as your lips pressed together into a grimace.

Ken spoke up, interrupting your dramatic overthinking session, "What? No, you know I love you. Don't think like that. It's stupid. I'm just in a teeny tiny funny situation. Okay? it's not that big of a deal." He said rather casually. 

Even with his reassurance you couldn't help but have a bad feeling about his odd behavior. Well, he was odd in general, but this was something different. You weren't sure what it was, but you wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Ken, I swear if you're.. cheating on me or anything fishy that I might not like I--I'm going to beat your ass. Seriously. I'm going to tie you up and tie the tie real tight. Then I'll throw you into a...uh, pool and watch you sink while I dance very happily," You huffed in annoyance and hung up on Ken. You were slightly irked with the thought of being kept in the dark. Especially after promising not to keep any secrets from each other.

What was the purpose of being a couple if you can't trust each other with something that could potentially be simple or small? Did Ken have a secret family back in Japan? Could that explain the noises of a baby cooing? Or maybe you were crazy and Ken had some weird habit of making baby noises?

You had so many questions and so little answers. Although, that was partly your fault since you hung up on Ken rather than pressing on to ask questions in hopes of getting answers.

Instead of persisting nonstop with your questions and thoughts you decided that those were problems for future you to handle. At the moment, you were still hungry and tired from doing almost nothing all day. It was the greatest way to spend your time on a day off.

After tossing your phone on the couch, you stepped back into the kitchen and grabbed leftovers rather than proceeding with the small meal you were previously going to prepare. It was pasta that you made a few days back. As you placed the small serving of pasta in the microwave you drifted right back into your thoughts.

Despite what other people said, you thought that reheated food was good. You weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. Maybe you've never actually experienced the reason why people have a distaste for reheated fries. You chuckled to yourself, it sounded like something people would take and read between the lines way too much. Make it into some sappy romance theory.

It took a moment to finally realize that you've never really had this much free time to just...think. No one to have a conversation with and pour all your mundane thoughts into. Did Ken ever listen? Probably not, you wouldn't.

You took the food out of the microwave and spend the rest of your night eating in peace and silence. Aside from the sound of your utensils clinking against the ceramic plate. 

Super peaceful.

Okay, maybe a bit boring.

Or...really boring. 

There was an abrupt knock on your front door that made you jump and come back down to Earth. You golfed down your food and rushed towards the door to not answer, but wait until the potential person on the other side assumes you're not home and leaves. You don't remember ordering anything after all. Maybe it was a gift from Ken? That would ease your nerves a bit. 

You checked your phone to look at your front porch through the ring camera and realized that you...didn't have it. You had left it on the couch, so you took a trip to your living room back to the front door to actually check this time around. What you saw wasn't shocking by any means. There was no person, but there was a something. It was a bit ominous and creepy, given that this happened well into midnight. Perhaps you should be a little more cautious than calm about the situation.

Did it even count to refer it as a situation? Was it really that big of a deal? You didn't know. Should you know? What you did know was that you liked to be a bit dramatic.

There was something that looked like a letter at the bottom of the camera. Just barely in frame.

Consumed by your immense curiosity, you thought that it would be a good idea to check it out, and hopefully not end up dead if someone were to kill you. That would be a rather pathetic and disappointing death in your opinion. Okay, perhaps dying made you a tad bit more nervous than you already were, you then began to doubt your decision to check out what the letter said.

It probably didn't even say anything important. Did it? You wouldn't exactly mind if it was anticlimactic if it meant you'd read the letter alive.

After building up the courage to even open the door, you swiftly snatched the letter and shut the door just as quickly. 

"Okay...I'm alive. That's good. Now let's see what this thing says," You said to...well, no one but yourself in this matter.

You made your way to your room and jumped on your bed in an unceremonious manner. Your attention was laser-focused on the letter. Giddily unfolding it and reading the message written on it. 

'Come Visit Tokyo Japan! With many sights to see such as...!'

Oh. It was just a tourist pamphlet. Well, in that case...at least you were alive, but was it a coincidence? Perhaps fate? Or maybe it really was Ken, but instead of encouraging you he was messing with you. Was this sent by a stranger? 

You rubbed your chin and hummed in thought. Maybe you did want to go to Japan? Were you falling for it? Was this the work of the Dark Reunion? It couldn't be.

However, it did make you feel more compelled to pack your things and move to Japan, but you literally had no knowledge of the language. 

You stared at your room and the things that resided within it.

A small visit could suffice. You didn't have to...live in Japan. Just a stay for a week or so.

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