Only reminds me of you (part 1)

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"Love, are you sure? We don't have to go through with this, because..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence as he gently kissed me and smiled.

"Don't worry. I'm not afraid of your family, and I'm ready to face them and ask for their permission to marry you so we can be together, forever" he said seriously.

"Didn't I tell you that it won't be easy to talk to them? They don't accept who I am...and..."

"Enough. I love you, and I'll accept whatever they want to do to me. I'll tell your family how much I love you, so trust me," I nodded and smiled slightly.

He closed the door, locked it, and then took my hand as we walked to the car. He opened the door for me, and I got in. He then got into the driver's seat, closed the door, and fastened his seatbelt. He smiled at me, started the engine, and drove off. During the journey, I kept looking at him, holding his right hand while he drove with his left.

After an hour-long drive, we arrived at the mansion where I grew up, my family home. I hadn't visited this mansion for a long time, so I was filled with nostalgia as the guard opened the large gate.

"Good evening, Mr. James. Welcome home," the guard at the gate greeted me. I smiled at them, and Net drove the car inside.

The car stopped in front of the mansion's grand entrance, which faced a large, beautiful fountain where I often played with my sisters when we were young.

"Are you okay?" Net asked me when he saw that I was almost in tears, reminiscing about my childhood memories in this mansion.

"Yes, love. Don't worry about me... How about you? Are you ready to meet my family?"

"Of course. Just relax, I'm prepared for whatever happens," he said, kissing my lips.

I smiled at him, and we got out of the car. I held his hand tightly and took a deep breath. We walked into the mansion hand in hand. I became emotional as I stepped inside again after three years of being away. P'Mean, one of the trusted people in my family, led us to where my family and a few selected guests were gathered. People looked at us as I tightly held my fiancé's hand, and he smiled at me, reassuring me to stay calm.

We stopped where my father and mother were happily talking to their guests. When they saw us, my father's expression changed to one of displeasure upon seeing me holding a man's hand, the man being my fiancé, Net Siraphop Manithikhun.

We greeted them together, and I approached my father, "Happy birthday, Daddy," I said as I hugged him. He smiled and whispered, "We'll talk later." I felt a chill from the tone of his voice, so I nodded reluctantly.

I hugged my mother and then introduced Net to my relatives. After a few hours, the guests left, and only the four of us remained in the living room: me, Net, my dad, and my mom.

"Daddy," I said softly.

"How are you my son ?" He asked

"I'm ok daddy"

"James, have you found a woman to marry? Where is she? I want to see and meet her! Didn't I tell you to come back with a woman you would marry?" my father said with a smile.

I was nervous, but I needed to tell the truth, so I stepped closer to Net and held his hand, saying, "Dad, I didn't forget what you said. That's why I came back to introduce my future spouse... But it's not a woman, Dad. It's this man standing next to me," I said with determination, feeling Net squeeze my hand gently and smile at me.

"Are you out of your mind? James, I want a woman for you, not just any man," I heard the anger in his voice.

"Honey, calm down. Let him explain," my mother said.

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