Only reminds me of You (Part 2)

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After a few months, we were happy living in the countryside. Even though it was simple, it was peaceful, and we had the freedom to do what we wanted. There were no shopping malls or buildings, but our eyes were filled with the beauty of the scenery, large trees, beautiful plants, and natural sites like rivers, lakes, and other natural wonders.

Our life here was almost perfect, but not everything is always happy. One night, as Net and I were about to sleep, someone knocked on the door and called our names. We listened carefully and realized it was his brother's voice, so we opened the door. He was out of breath and sweating, so my husband asked him what had happened.

"Net, Father had a heart attack and is in the hospital. The doctor said he had a stroke," he said.

"What happened? Which hospital is he in?" my husband replied in a panic.

"He's in the town hospital, but the doctor said he needs to be transferred to a more advanced hospital for proper treatment and observation."

"Let's go see him, and I'll take care of the expenses. We'll find a good hospital for Father," I said, making them look at me.

"Wifey, we don't have the money... we can't afford..." he began, but I cut him off, saying, "We can't waste time. We need to go see Father and transfer him to a proper hospital where he can be treated well." We then left the house.

When we arrived at the hospital, I felt sorry for Net's father. He looked devastated seeing his father lying unconscious and struggling. The ambulance arrived for the transfer, and Net, his brother P'Nonz, and I rode along with a nurse and a doctor. After a few hours, we reached the new hospital and took him to a private room for the specialists to examine him. While waiting outside, I tried to calm my husband because I knew he was having a hard time seeing his father in that condition.

"Wifey, where will we get the money to pay for this? I don't have a job except for working on the farm, and you know we're not wealthy. I'm worried about how we will manage," he said, hugging me.

I felt his tears on my shoulder, so I rubbed his back and said, "Hubby, don't worry. My friend owns this hospital, and he's a doctor. He will personally take care of your father. He's very good, so don't worry; he won't let anything bad happen to his patients.And for expenses we can handle it "

"Thank you, wifey. Don't worry, I'll find a job to help pay for Father's treatment."

I nodded at him. After a few hours, the doctor, who was my friend, came out.

"James,and aw.. are you his husband?" he asked Net, and he nodded.

"Alex, how is his father?" I asked.

"Well, his vital signs are stable, and he's improved a bit. We just need to wait for him to wake up and pray for his speedy recovery," he said.

Alex and I talked privately in his office, and after our conversation, I went back to find Net waiting.

"Hubby, why do you look so worried? Did something happen?" I asked, as he pulled me away from the office. "Hubby, you've been quiet for a while now. What's wrong?" I asked again when we were in the private room where his father was. I spoke softly because I didn't want to stress out his father's mind, even if he was still unconscious.

"Hey, talk to me," I said as I approached him, but he still didn't speak. "Net, what's wrong with you? Why won't you talk to me? This is not funny; I'm getting annoyed."

"Why were you alone in the doctor's office?" he asked, and I smiled at him, unable to hold back a laugh.

"Ah, I see. My husband is jealous," I teased.

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