Chapter 17: Competition

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MINA'S pov

The big day had finally arrived. As soon as my alarm sounded, I jumped out of the bed and woke Yaya up with a start. I was running to the bathroom where on the way I grabbed my towel. I was so excited that I didn't even notice that I had taken a cold shower. In a few minutes, I was already ready. In the dinning room, I saw Lia having breakfast while sitting with her scary doll. Yaya was in the kitchen cooking an omellete, so I walked forward on tiptoe and placed my arms around her waist to kiss her on the temple.

"Good morning."

"Good morning too. Someone seems excited here, huh?"

"How could I not be! Today is my only chance to get my work recognized worldwide, don't you think that's incredible?"

"I know, love, and I'm sure you'll do great. Now go sit down, the omellete is almost ready."

The three of us ate our breakfast and discussed the program today. The contest started at 1 pm, so I still had time to prepare and train for my presentation. The idea of explaining my project to be the best photographer of the country made me nervous but I was ready to show I was capable of. My three best friends were going to attend the competition as well, but Nayeon told me she wasn't sure if she would make it on time because she had a few things to take care of. To be honest, I hope she can come because she is still the result of my work and the least I can do is to thank her.

Today must be the best day of my life because everything is at stake for my career.

The hall, which could hold more than 1000 people, was gradually starting to fill up. In a few minutes, the juries would come out and sit in front of the stage where an interactive board is available to the participants. I was able to talk to some young photographers and I am quite surprised because they are full of ideas and ambitions. I think it's amazing for the world of photography but it doesn't help me much because if I want to win the fight today, I had to give it all I've got.

All the participants were sitting next to each other, we were all nervous. We cheered up each other with encouraging words or thumbs up signs. There were only a few places left and I could already see the relatives of each participant cheering from afar. My eyes scanned the audience and saw Yaya and Lia holding a sign that said Myoui Mina the best photographer. Next to them where Bobby, Momo and Sana who waved at me. Just seeing them gave me strength, but there was always someone I hoped would appear.

Nabong or Im Nayeon

I didn't know the real reason why I wanted her to be there, but I just knew she was important and that I wanted to show her the effort I put into it. My eyes turned to the scene when a woman in suit appeared with a microphone in her hand.

"Welcome to all of you. Thank you for being here for the 65th contest of the new photographer of Korea. It is an honor for me to be able to reveal our participants to you, but before that, please welcome our juries, Sungjae, William, Ji-eun, Min, Jung and Young Jae!"

I applauded like a child as I was the 5 best photographers walking towards the places assigned to them. I appreciate all their works and the fact that I could introduce them to mine was like a dream come true.

"All participants will have 20 minutes to present their project. Juries have the rights to ask questions for more details. After all participants have passed, a small exhibition will be presented by last year's winner. Then, the juries will have time to discuss among themselves and I will announce the winner of this 65th contest. The winner will win a check of 3,000,000 won and will have the opportunity to work with a photographer of his or her choice. Good luck to all of you!"

MY SWEET DEVIL |  MINAYEONWhere stories live. Discover now