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— ( seeing him for the first time )

YOU are cupid, the one who loves match-making. You love seeing couples being lovey-dovey, you love the soft confessions you hear on a late school day, you love seeing your classmate come up to you for love advice knowing well that their crush likes them back.

KATSUKI is difficult, the one who cannot be struck with a love arrow. He throws away the love letters girls give to him, he wears earphones so he doesn't hear everyone in class, and he likes strawberry milk.

EIJIRU is manly, the one who everyone looks for in the school entrance. He smiles and thanks the girls who give him handmade cookies, he hangs out a lot with his friends after basketball practice, he often skips class by hiding in the abandoned classroom.

When the last day of the weekend has been marked 'x' on the calendar, the familiar beep of the small camera caused a quiver on your stomach, excitement and rush altogether.

When you pointed the camera towards a couple, digital numbers arise on top of them, the sight alone made you giggle.

LOVE POINTS ! — 100/100
PHASE ( puppy love ) <3

Walking to school has never been better, there is love everywhere around you, especially with the help of your camera, everything just seems to be more fun in your perspective.

Your camera isn't an ordinary one, it's a gift given by your father. When you point the camera towards a person, you can see how much love they receive and how much love they can give. Fun and major fact: it's real and not fake at all!

The special gift has been with you for the past 3 years, you guessed it was to atone just how many times your father took a raincheck with you to focus on his work instead, because the camera was your comfort, your joy.

Until you reached the school entrance, you were looking at the world through your camera screen, and in only a few minutes, You've already seen many students' love points, even the teachers.

"How cute, these two seem to like each other..."

Giggling, a boy and a girl caught your attention, one of them seemed to be very energetic while the other seems to be cold, a cute blossoming love in your eyes.

LOVE POINTS ! — 79/75
PHASE ( golden retriever x black cat ) <3

"Hey, Kaminari Denki! We're gonna be late for class, hurry up!"

"O-Oh! Yeah yeah, I'm coming Kyoka! Wait, which class are we again?"

"Are you deaf!? It's class-1A, idiot! Our president announced it yesterday!"

Well isn't that so fun? The same two people who caught your attention has now become your classmates. Seeing your enrollment paper, you were assigned at class-1A with your good grades and overall reputation in your last school.

"What a lie..." You silently mutter to yourself with an irked expression.

Standing silently at the teacher's faculty, you were unaware of the many students who were piled up on the faculty window, trying to get a look at you.

The news of a new transferee coming to class-1A was already enough, but the rumor of the student being pretty and famous wasn't what you expected.

"L/n Y/n, right? The president of class-1A will escort you to the classroom."

You nodded as a respect, sitting on the vacant seat given to you by your soon-to-be homeroom teacher: SHOTA AIZAWA. You didn't know what was going on, but as you waited, you can see the way Aizawa looks at you, cautious.

"Miss L/n, what did you say your former school was?"

The question ticked something off within you, like everything wasn't all love and sunshine anymore. Right, you never gave the name of your old school, not even in the paper, yet why would he ask?

"Oh, quite far away from here!" Beneath the joyfulness in your eyes, something in you was begging for him to not question any further. Even if you have to be smiling all the time, you don't want to be cornered so soon that you start to crack.

"Far? Why did you enroll here then?"


When the door opened, the voices of almost a hundred students could be heard inside the faculty, causing them to be shushed by the hard glares of the teachers as an intimidating figure stood tall in front of the entrance.

You grew weary from the sudden atmosphere when he came inside, it was like you weren't able to speak or move at all. You believe you almost fainted when you heard his voice, loud and clear.

"Where's the transferee?"

Your widened eyes looked at him, and then at your teacher, "Teacher... That's the president?!"

Your whisper-yell was only acknowledged by Aizawa with a single nod before his finger pointed at you when he looked at BAKUGO KATSUKI.

"Over here."

It's like the more his steps come closer to you, you feel like running away already. Although, if you were in your old school, you would've actually ran and hid away, but this is a new school now, positivity can go a long way. That's right, maybe he's actually a really nice person deep inside, not need to get scared!

When Mr. Aizawa and Katsuki finished talking, Katsuki looked at you and signaled for you to start walking with just his eyes alone. You suppose that's why he's deemed as the president, his aura is definitely intimidating.

Because of the teachers, there weren't any students anymore, just you and the president: Katsuki. Trailing behind him like a lost puppy, you were looking at how spiky his blond hair was, or the way he wasn't even wearing his blazer despite having to be a good role model for the class.

Just now, an idea popped up in your head, when you rummaged your hand inside your bag for a brief moment, you see the screen on your camera open, and just for a second, when you got his right angle while walking, you target the camera towards his.

LOVE POINTS ! — 0/900k
PHASE ( single ) <3

— ( cupid in love )
01 ; Katsuki Bakugo

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