37 4 1

— ( stranger to the rescue )

They were right, he really was hard to sit with. You never noticed it because you weren't beside him before, but he really isn't so 'normal' with his high school works like you thought.

When he knows the answer but a student recited it instead, he'd get annoyed and start insulting them to which you can hear clearly. Your chair is basically an extension of his own and he uses it to his own will, even when you'd protest, it only falls on deaf ears.

Why? he always wears his earphones.

In every free time, his earphones are quick to connect to his phone, ignoring every ruckus and chaos inside the classroom.


When you're getting behind with your notes, his notebook would subtly inch closer to your desk, giving you enough glimpse to see what you've missed--He pretends he doesn't notice you copying his notes, so he only looks to the side looking nonchalant.

When you feel sleepy in class, he'd click his tongue and start straightening his posture so the teacher wouldn't notice you. When the class would dismiss, he'd stand up, albeit secretly shaking your table so you wake up, and when he knows you're awake, he'd leave the room with Denki and Mina pestering him.

You never noticed any of these though, only Katsuki.

This Thursday night, you treated yourself to a nice bakery. It's like a ritual actually, before you start doing cupid work--As you like to call it--You needed to eat a good pastry to function better.

The person you help often finds their love when you do this, so it's only fair you do it for Katsuki too.

Strolling across many stores, you were startled to hear a commotion coming from behind you. Out of instinct, you turned around, only to be met with a sight that made a chill run down your spine.

"Sh... Shigaraki."

It's been a while now since you last saw them, the ones from your old school, the ones you desperately wanted to hide from. The group was in shambles when you left, they didn't like that you changed, and you didn't like how they're still wicked.

Your heart stopped a beat when you saw his eyes suddenly look towards you, and without a second thought, you begin walking fast, opting to go anywhere your legs lead you, just not towards them.

Right, the one you weren't in good terms with the most is him, Shigaraki Tomura.

"Y/n? Is that her? Hey! Come back!" Himiko Toga exclaimed, surprised to see you. When you just vanished, she was the one who searched for you in every hall and room of your old school, the one who went on a rampage when she realized you transferred to a new school

Himiko and the others were calling out to you, but Shigaraki only looked at you with a blank stare, one with yearning hidden by immense betrayal.

"Get her."

Shigaraki scratched his hands when he remembered those ugly memories he had with you, the ones where you looked at him so coldly he almost didn't recognize you as his joyful, sweet little sister.

Trailing close to an alleyway, you looked back and ran when you started hearing their loud calls, especially knowing that Himiko is a fast runner, not to mention how much she clings to you before, you know you wouldn't be getting out if she takes ahold of you. 

"Hey, Y/n! Where are you?" Himiko sing-songs your name with a smile, looking through the areas. It's been two months since she last saw you, can't you imagine how much she cried when you left them? A ton!

You ran and ran, warmth left your body and your uniform was now a mess, but when you looked to see if you mislead them, you gasp in pain when you accidentally bumped your head with someone.

"Ah..." The stranger hissed, "That hurts..."

Massaging your head to ease the pain, you felt nervous again and stood up to run, not until you realized there's no more places to run amongst the back parts of the stores and unmoving trucks.

"Sorry..." You whispered.

"H-Hey, you okay there?"

You didn't reply when you suddenly hear Toga's voice again, and your alarmed state was enough for the stranger to understand what was happening. When he noticed the voice coming from behind him, he stood up and took your hand.

"Let's go this way," The stranger and you began running, "it's the shortest route to the streets, there's a lot of people today so I'm sure they won't see you."

The stranger was wearing a black hat and a mask, but when he looked at you, you were sure he was smiling. Amidst his entire outfit in black, the one that stood out was his red hair.

You got startled when you heard Toga again, clenching your fist until he moved you both to a small corner full of boxes, placing his hand on your head to make sure you don't get hurt by any debris.

To camouflage you more better in the dark, he removed his black jacket and draped it over you, looking around for whoever was chasing you.

His jacket was soft, you squeezed it gently with your hands and you sighed at how nice it was to have met a kind stranger.

He's warm...

His body was acting like a shield, you were hidden very well and you closed your eyes to make yourself think of other things instead of the comfy heat his body was emitting, especially now that it's a cold night.

You find yourself looking at his face, even if it's just his eyes, his ruby-colored eyes that matched his hair. The scar above his right eye caught your attention too. Then he looked at you, crinkling his eyes when he caught you admiring him.

Minutes past and you were still looking at him, you only began blinking when you can hear his faint chuckles, making you clear your throat and begin standing up. 

"I think she's gone now," You gently smiled, a vague blush decorating your cheeks, "Uhm, thank you, for helping me."

"Oh, I see." The stranger propped his elbow on his knee, nodding at your words. He looked like he was about to say something, but he can see your feet backing up now.

"It was nice to meet you." You started before trailing off because of the sudden awkwardness, "I'm gonna go now... Bye-bye!"

Waving him a small goodbye, you begin running towards the route he pointed out to you. Seeing you slowly leave his sight, he removed his face mask and smiled, not bothering to call you anymore when he realized you still have his jacket.

Right, he didn't know how to call you, because he didn't get your name.

"Hah... Take care."

Adjusting the cap on his head, he began running towards another route with his mind thinking about you. His feet brought him in front of a large and grand building, home to one of the best agency who debuts high-quality idols in Japan.

To think that just a few moments ago, you were standing next to an idol in training, currently one of the best ones with the highest rate of debuting.

When he entered the elevator, he remembered when you bumped into him, you were wincing in pain when he looked at you. He was surprised when he saw your school uniform, it reminded him of the one he had inside his closet.

"UA high..."

Setting foot on the marble floor when the elevator opened, he saw the rooms of many other trainees like him, then his eyes stopped to the one in front of him. He stared at it with a blank state, before he opened it.


-- idol trainee --

room 143

Achievement : meeting Kirishima Eijiro !

— ( cupid in love )
05 ; Kirishima Eijiro

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