30 1 1

— ( a proposal from cupid )

The mission hadn't made any progress for the past three days.

When you would think about it, you start feeling gloomy. Since the kiss mark accident, you noticed Katsuki was always out of your sight. You didn't want to think too hard about it, but it almost looked like he was hiding from you.

"Maybe he's still mad about the uniform..." You ask to no one with a pout, "But I really wanna be his friend."

You entered the gates and see a nearby bench, a sigh left your lips when you looked at your surroundings. You were early, very early.

You thought you were going to be alone, but you became surprised when you see a familiar boy entering the school. Katsuki didn't have his usual scowl, he looked peaceful instead, it was foreign to see him so calm, but it made you smile.

Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows when you came to his view, wondering why you're so early. When you waved at him, he simply ignored it and went straight for the entrance building, leaving you in utter shock.

"Idiot." Katsuki gritted his teeth, clutching the strap of his bag tightly.

It's been three days since he started seeing you, three days since he became the target of your smiles and friendliness. Whenever he thinks about it, he gets angry at himself when he realizes he still kept your keychain inside his bag.

When he went home, got changed, laid on his bed, it only dawned onto him now that he really did take your keychain home, setting it down on his desk like some dumbass. From time to time, he'd stare at it and then he'd remember your stupid smile, utterly getting annoyed at himself.

He doesn't know how to give it back to you, he knew you would've started asking questions, and pray the others don't see it, he's gonna get teased, sadly his patience could only stretch to a small limit.

No, he won't give it, it's your fault anyways for being so clumsy.

Facepalming, you laugh to not feel so embarrassed, thinking that he probably didn't see you, even though you know damn well he did see you with his own two eyes, that alone made you want to scream.

Walking inside after him, you cross your arms, "Hmph, those love points are definitely a glitch, what do those 900k people even see in him!?"

Seeing class-1A, you huffed before opening the door, seeing the one and only Bakugo Katsuki sitting on his chair with his two feet resting on the table, looking outside the window when he saw you.

Suddenly, even with his failed attempt to ignore you again, he grew curious when you began walking towards him and taking a nearby chair and place it before his table, seeing you look determined when you and him sat face to face.

"Katsuki," You tilt your head and smile softly at him, "Can we be friends?"

"Huh? Are you kiddin' me right now?" Katsuki smirked, feeling amused.

Well that was not what you thought... In your old school, or almost every people you meet, you were able to befriend all of them with your charms and your pretty smile.

What's wrong with this one?

But then again, this is Katsuki we're talking about, a ton of efforts must be needed for him to acknowledge someone as his 'friend'--That's what you thought when you first saw him.

"I want to be friends with you!" You grinned, "Is it wrong for me to want that?"

"I don't trust you."

Blinking at his sudden reply, you grip the hem of your skirt out of anticipation, "But we haven't even talked since I came here, did we already start on the wrong foot?"

Right, you did ruin his uniform with your lipgloss.

When you looked to the side, you pout and just looked at the sun beginning to rise up, hoping he couldn't see how irked you were, but you guessed he's more perceptive than you thought.

"Oi, What's your motive? The real one." Katsuki added, "Don't be stupid enough to lie."

A quiet atmosphere clouded the two of you, the usual eyes of yours were soft and glistening under the rising sunshine, and the moment your mouth opened, you beamed brightly.

"I want to help you find love!"

You giggled when you saw the way his face looked bewildered, but you sensed his intrigue--Although just a little--But you are more than happy to persuade him.

"I'll be the best cupid you have, I'll make sure you fall in love before the school year ends!"

The sunlight entered the window and sparkled, enveloping you both in a trance of warmth, the same feeling of home. Katsuki can hide his emotions very well, but his eyes hold a sudden comfort towards you, the sign of welcome--Even if it's only a little bit, it was strange yet... Wonderful?

Placing both your palms on the edge of his table, you move closer to him and whispered, "I'll wait for your answer after school!"

Before he could reply, he heard the doors open to see Yaomomo enter the room, as well as TENYA LIDA, one of the other students who arrive early after him.


Since then, the more students entered, It's like Katsuki's eyes were glued to you, no matter where you intend to go around the room.

Katsuki didn't listen to whatever his friends were saying, usually he would act unbothered but he can hear their words, but now, it's like they were muffled and his only attention is set upon you.

Your words circle his head like a loop, repeating over and over again, and it dawned onto him just how much he realized how little he has experience with romance.

Every girl who liked him has been ignored or downright insulted that they lose feelings for him, he doesn't read any of the love letters, doesn't eat the food they gift him, and that was enough information to know just how difficult he is.


Do you really think he has a chance to fall in love? Just how optimistic are you?

Mission : match-making for Bakugo Katsuki !

— ( cupid in love )
03 ; Katsuki Bakugo

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