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— ( first quarter arrangements ! )

Daydreaming, that's right, you're daydreaming. Was it the lack of sleep that has you hearing nonsense? Or was it the lesson that made your mind go loopy?

"Did he really mean it?" You ask again for the hundredth time, staring at your reflection on the bathroom mirror, "Did he really say yes?!"

Well, no, he didn't technically agreed, but what could he possibly mean by the words he said?

The sky was a pretty orange now when class dismissed yesterday, and this was the time you waited since morning. A secret glance towards him and you realize he was already there looking at you.

"So..." Hiding your surprise, your eyes fully averted towards his, "Did you think about it?"

It was unnerving to wait for his answer when he's only being quiet, but he just suddenly started slinging his bag on his shoulder before walking at the exit, you thought maybe he didn't want to engage in your hooligans, but then he looked at you.

"Don't be and idiot and just forget about it, sparkle eyes."

You shrugged and gave him a cheeky smile, "Call me an idiot all you want, but I don't forget easily. So, what's your answer?"

When he saw you waiting for his reply, you reminded him again of a puppy, wagging their tail like they're waiting for their toy to be thrown, said 'toy' being his answer.

"Tch, do whatever you want, I won't care." He looked to the side and furrowed his eyebrows, beginning to leave.

Both your hands slapped harshly on each side of your cheeks, the reason being so excited by his response, and one of out confusion.

"Sparkle... Eyes?" You recalled, "What does he mean by that!?"

It's like you were more focused on the nickname he gave more than the fact he gave you a chance(slight) to find him love, the thought alone makes you want to jump out of happiness.

This probably means you also have a chance of being close, definitely a good sign!

Leaving the school bathroom, you took out your camera from your skirt pocket and started moving it around from student to student, albeit secretly of course.

"Hm, they all have a good amount of love points, but not nearly as many as Katsuki..." You mutter, "Perhaps he's the only boy in UA to have a hundred thousand love points—"

Words were ended within a single moment, earning your widened eyes and mouth agape, because in only a matter of a millisecond, someone entered your screen with the intent of proving you were wrong.

LOVE POINTS ! — 99/900k
PHASE ( unavailable ) <3

When you hid your camera, your head turned from left to right trying to find who walked passed you, it was like getting a glimpse of a ghost with an abundance of points.

The only thing you saw outside of your camera was red hair.

Being unable to speak because of confusion, Yaomomo looked at you concerned before she patted your head, "Are you okay, Y/n?"

"Huh? Oh, Yaomomo~" I sing song her name, "I'm alright! I guess I just got dizzy because of the lesson earlier."

"Oh! Well I came to get you 'cause it's almost Friday," Yaomomo smiled, "There's an amusement park just a few minutes away from our school, me and the others wanted to go, and we want you to come!"

Your heart did a little happy thump the moment Yaomomo invited you, this is the first time you've ever been asked to a hang out since you transferred, you could only look at her in awe before your eyes beamed brightly.


Linking arms with her when you both entered the classroom, Yaomomo was gushing to you about the park, telling you just how excited she is before her eyes stared at the back of the room, causing her to be quiet, suddenly becoming quiet.

"It seems he's still too busy to go to school..."

Following her gaze, you noticed one of the chairs being different than the rest. Everyone decorated their own chairs with stickers, bags, or even messy little trinkets, but one chair is basically like a blank canvas.

"Who sits there...?"

"Just a boy who got scouted to be an idol trainee," Yamomo smiled, "Even when he goes to school, he skips class all the time. We haven't seen him in a long time now..."

Your gaze softened after hearing Yaomomo, imagining how hard it must be to not see your friends, just like how you felt deep down when you keep having realizations that you really are in a new environment now, not like before.

"I'm sure he'll visit when he's free! He probably misses you guys a lot!"

Yamomo scoffed a gentle smile towards you, brushing her shoulders with yours as a sign of appreciation, "You're sweet, Y/n. I'm sure he'd like you as a friend if you two met."

Free time was now over, you knew because even before the bell rang, the doors opened to reveal a tired-looking Aizawa Shota. All of your classmates like him, even you, but until now, you're always alert when he's there.

Since he asked you that question on your first day, you were aware that he isn't as oblivious like the other teachers, from what you could tell, he's one of the important figures of the school.

"Class will start, sit down. Now." In one second, everyone had already shuffled to sit on their assigned chairs, quiet as ever when he's the one teaching, "We'll be arranging your seats for the first quarter, your seat mates will be written on the board, so start moving."

Loud complaints arise from the whole classroom, exclaiming that they wish to get seated with their friends instead, or being assigned with their crush, to which made you giggle.

"Guess I could give some love advice to some of these students," You smirked, hearing the word 'crush' from a few of your classmates, "Starting with..."

"Y/n, look!" OCHAKO URARAKA exclaimed, "You got seated with the president!"

Your thoughts change when your eyes quickly looked at the board, seeing your name written beside Katsuki's. You and the other girls formed together to talk, but your eyes looked behind to see Katsuki simply being quiet, but his glare is definitely obvious.

"Good luck, Y/n... The president is quite difficult to sit with." Yaomomo looked at you with concern, yet subtly happy for herself that she isn't paired with the president, but with KYOKA JIRO instead.

Wearily taking your bag off the side of your chair, you were looking at Katsuki with furrowed eyebrows, not sure wether to call his name or just sit beside him already.

"What? You scared of me already?" Katsuki clicked his tongue, earning your attention, "Thought you wanted to be friends?"

It took you by surprise when you heard him, you guessed it was a sign to just sit already so you begin walking to the seat beside him, but you couldn't help but look at Yaomomo and the others with a small pout.

They only gave you a thumbs up as assurance, and you knew you're going to have a hell of a first quarter. Or not?

Mission : match-making for Bakugo Katsuki !

— ( cupid in love )
04 ; Katsuki Bakugo

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