*Seven Dates-5*

94 14 2

°Fourth Date°

The air crackled with laughter as Jungkook recounted his date with Hoseokie.

"So...... you held her hand? Wow!!!  Jungkook, smooth operator,!!" Jimin drawled, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Anddddd.....you kissed her on the cheek???!!" Taehyung added, his eyes wide with mock astonishment.

Seokjin, ever the drama queen, gasped,
“He kissed her on the cheek! My goodness, what a daring rogue!'

Jungkook tried to deflect the teasing with a nonchalant shrug, but his blush betrayed him. "It wasn't a big deal!!" he mumbled. "She's really nice!!"

"You even hugged her?" Yoongi chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Jungkook, you're moving up in the world boy!!!!"

Namjoon, usually the voice of reason, joined in the fun. "I wonder if she'll let you try her famous strawberry pancakes sometime!!"

Jungkook's face flushed even brighter. He couldn't help but bask in the teasing, even if it made him feel a little bit embarrassed.

He loved his friends, and their playful jabs were a sign of their affection.

Suddenly, a cold voice cut through their playful banter.

"Yo, Jungkook! Looks like you finally landed yourself a trophy wife, huh??!"

As they turned her heads, they found A tall, muscular figure swaggered towards them.

A smirk plastered on his face – Kim Jaehyun,

The college’s resident bad boy, Jungkook’s long-standing rival. They were never in a good term, and Jungkook knew the boy has his eyes on Hoseokie.

Jungkook’s smile vanished and he tsked. "What's it to you, Jaehyun??!!"

"Just making sure you know what you're getting into..."Jaehyun sneered, his eyes flickering to Hoseokie's picture on Jungkook's phone.

Jaehyun gritted his teeth, jelousy suddenly clouded his mind and he scoffed.

"You know.... I heard a story about your little Hoseokie!!"  Jaehyun continued, his voice dripping with venom.

“Apparently, she’s quite the…. Party animal!!!  
Heard she got a little… rough night with some guys??!!
Heard she got gang-banged at that club last week??!!
It’s a shame what happens when you’re chasing after money, huh?”

A murderous glint appeared in Jungkook's eyes.

His friends instantly tensed, their smiles vanishing. Each of them knew what was about to happen.

"Shut your mouth, Jaehyun!!" Taehyung growled, his voice low and dangerous.

"Don’t you dare talk about Hoseokie like that.”

"Relax guys!! Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist, Kook!!!,” Jaehyun laughed, his eyes glinting with malicious delight.

“I just heard she was a real pro at what she does.

Hey...let's do one thing....Maybe you should let me and my group have a go, share the fun night with her, right? We’ll even make it worth her while, fill her ass with money and ofcourse our .... juices!!.”

All of them looked at him with wide eyes, Jungkook had his fist clinched tightly, his veins popping out.

"Oh, I have more than an idea!!" Jaehyun sneered, stepping closer.

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