26. Her

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Jimin and Yoongi were coming from the same street to their room they both were holding their arms so lovingly that didn't noticed two bikes with four man coming towards them.

"Yoongiiiii" Jimin yelled when one bike pushed Yoongi make him fell down on the road with thud.

"Don't dare to touch him" Yoongi growled and immediately get up when one of them going to touch Jimin.

"And do you think we would listen you" one of them said and coming closer to Jimin who is trying his best to stay way from him.

"Okay then go ahead" Yoongi said with smirk while cut visible on his lower lip make that man confused and then scream came from his mouth when Jimin kick on the stomach of then man who lie on the ground like dead body.

Jimin lean closer to the man level and kick his head one more time when man screamed loudly which reaches to the other man who gulped when Jimin smirk at him.

"Just try me and see how you ended like him" Jimin went towards Yoongi and intervened his hands with him when they both can see the fear in remaining man eyes.

"Now tell us who send you here" Yoongi asked while looking at those man with scary expressions when the men didn't waste anytime and went to their knees in front of Yoongi.

"Sorry we really didn't know who it that lady who send us to bring you there she just give us money and we are following her orders" one of them is begging in front of Yoonmin when they both shared eye contact with each other before giving their attention to those men.

"Okay we give you one chance just do as that lady told you otherwise I will surely send you heaven" Those three confusingly looked at Yoonmin when Yoongi got irritated and pulled one of the man hair harshly.

"Just do as Jimin say otherwise" Those three men immediately get up and take robe from their bike and tide one to Jimin while shivering and other Yoongi.

"Now do as you all plan and don't dare to stab behind our back" Yoongi growled when the second man nodded and called someone on phone when the person from other side pick up.

"Yeah send the car fast we already caught them"

"Yes they are in front of us tied in robe struggling for their life"

He cut the call and sighed in relief when Yoonmin smirked at each other.

"wow you such a good actor I will surely talk about you to my director friend......if you able to live" Yoongi smirked while being savage when Jimin rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"Stop being so unserious in serious situation" Jimin frustratedly said when those three remaining man looking at them in disbelief.

After sometime a black car arrived in front of them when Yoongi gestured Jimin to act which Jimin understand and turned his face again on the car when two man came out from the car wearing blue masks.

"They easily came in our trap not bad" the mask from the left side said when Yoongi growled at him while Jimin have fake tears in his eyes.

"Who said easily asshole see your one man is lying there lifelessly" Yoongi said when those mask man eyes landed on the dead body who gulped looking at body which is brutally beaten by someone but who will going to tell them who did this condition of him.

"tsk.... do you really think we would scared from you after this, we already get that before that you going to something like this that's why we send four men for you" Jimin rolled his eyes secretly hearing such a ill logical reply from one of them and Yoongi bitterly chuckled.

"Bastard like you know how to talk shits" the man clenched his jaw and about to punch on Yoongi face who didn't dare to flinch but before he could flinch two man from before hold him from back in order to make him stop.

"Sir please don't waste your energy on him he just provoking you we should leave now its already late" the mask man nodded and order these two men to drag Yoonmin to car and make them sit.

After sometime those three man bring Yoonmin in some dark place and throw them on the floor harshly when Jimin winced in pain make those man smirk and still didn't show any mercy in fact they harshly pulled Yoongi and Jimin hair and tied them with that while laughing.

"Just open these robes then I will show you how to laugh properly" Yoongi said with gritted teeth make those man gulped in fear which is unable to see by Yoongi because of darkness.

" Leave it Hyung they don't deserve to be beaten by YOU" Jimin angrily said when lights of the suddenly switched on and those man present their bowed at figure which is coming towards Yoonmin.

The sound of heels are echoing in the whole room when Jimin eyes landed on the person who he never wished to see again in this life looking the face of the person make Jimin regret his existence. He can't bear the fact that the person in front of him is the person who gave him birth his mom who he love most in this world but now she is the only one who don't deserve his hate now.

"Welcome my beloved son and son-in-law" She smirked when Jimin looked at her disgustingly.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Share your views in comment section and votes too and thank you for giving its 5k reads already and trust me its really motivating me to write please show your love like this always. See You in next chapter.

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