36~ Stolen Serenity

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Authors pov

Hoseok sat in the living room, absently flipping through a magazine. He wasn't paying attention to the glossy pages in front of him; his thoughts were elsewhere. His mates were gone again, and the loneliness was becoming unbearable. He sighed, playing with his now eleven tails. The last one was still growing, a constant reminder of his transformation.

He had mated with all his mates the day before, Jin and Taehyung finally marking him and claiming him as theirs. Now, he fully belonged to them. Being mated and pregnant made him crave their presence even more. He needed them by his side.

Wiping away a stray tear, Hoseok stood up from the couch, holding his back as he walked with a grunt. His belly was getting bigger every day, making him feel more uncomfortable. He sighed in frustration and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water.

As he drank, he suddenly choked, dropping the glass, which shattered on the floor with a loud crash. Hoseok groaned loudly as a sharp pain shot through him, and he felt a rush of fluid between his legs. His eyes widened in shock and fear.

This couldn't be happening. He was only five months pregnant; how could he be in labor already?

He fell to his knees, screaming in pain. Desperate, he struggled to his feet and staggered towards his phone. He called Yoongi, but there was no answer. Panic rising, he tried calling the others, but no one picked up.

Frustrated and scared, he threw his phone against the wall, shattering it, and staggered towards the door. He opened it, only to be met by a man with glowing yellow eyes, his expression menacing and full of evil.

The stranger smirked dangerously at Hoseok and stepped inside. Hoseok instinctively stepped back, placing a protective hand over his belly. The pain intensified, and he bent forward, feeling the baby coming. He didn't know this man or what he wanted, but he felt an overwhelming sense of danger.

The man mocked his condition, taking a sadistic pleasure in Hoseok's suffering. Before Hoseok could react, the stranger charged at him, turning him around and covering his mouth with a cloth. Hoseok struggled, but the man's strength and the fumes from the cloth were too much. He felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.

As darkness closed in, he heard the man laugh menacingly. "Finally, I will have the child all to myself. No one will stop me."

The last thing Hoseok felt was the man lifting him up and carrying him out of the house. His vision blurred and faded to black as he was taken away, disappearing into thin air with his unborn child.

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