49~ Unmasking Secrets

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Authors pov

Hoseok stood in his house, looking out from his balcony and staring at the scenery. He decided not to go to work today. It wouldn't hurt to stay home for at least one day. He was just so angry, frustrated, and confused with himself. Why was he so affected by this? He couldn't give two fucks if they raised their voices at him, but no—his stupid heart was being affected by mere words that wouldn't hurt him if it were a common person that told him. He would feel bad, that was for sure, but it wouldn't make him feel this distraught. It was making him crazy.

He rolled his eyes and went downstairs, heading to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips before going to the living room. He turned on the TV and began watching one of his favorite shows, munching on his chips. He was so engrossed in what he was watching that he didn't hear a knock on his door. When he noticed, he groaned loudly, not wanting to be disturbed—the show was starting to get good.

He rolled his eyes and turned off the TV before walking boredly towards the door. Opening it, he was shocked to see lavender flowers in front of his face. His eyes widened when he saw Jimin's face peeking from the side with a cheeky smile.

Hoseok just stood there, stunned. Realizing they'd been standing there for a while, he apologized before opening the door wider and letting them in. This was the first time they were entering his house—he was sure Taehyung led them here.

He closed the door and looked back at them. They were standing awkwardly, just looking at him. Hoseok tried not to smile and muttered "cute" under his breath. He asked Jimin if the flowers were for him, boredly. He didn't want them to know he was excited about the flowers. He loved lavender flowers. Now he was wondering how they knew. He thought it was just a good guess.

Jimin nodded and handed them to Hoseok, who quickly took them, sniffing and smiling widely. Jimin covertly fist-bumped Taehyung.

Hoseok looked at Jimin and smiled sheepishly, not being able to pretend anymore. "Thank you, Jimin."

Jimin smiled back. "You're always welcome, Hoseok."

Hoseok nodded and looked at the other five. Yoongi stepped out and gave Hoseok a huge teddy bear, the bear carrying a small heart that read "I'm sorry" on it. Hoseok gasped and took the teddy bear, his eyes shining with happiness.

"Thank you, Yoongi," Hoseok said, smiling.

Yoongi smiled shyly. "I'd do anything for you, love."

Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did he hear right? His thoughts were interrupted when Namjoon stepped out and gave him chocolates. Hoseok smiled and thanked him.

After they had all given Hoseok their gifts, Hoseok went to keep them in their respective places and came back to the men who were seated on his couch in the living room. He asked them if they wanted refreshments, but they denied and asked him to sit.

Hoseok sat and immediately remembered Minhyun. "Uhm... Where is minhyun?"

"Oh, minhyun is in kindergarten,we will pick him up later." Jin said to  Hoseok who nodded in understanding and waited for them to say what they wanted to say.

Jungkook was the first to speak. "Hoseok, what we said to you was unfair and unreasonable. You were having a crisis of your own, and we didn't consider that. We're truly sorry."

He intertwined his fingers with Hoseok's, who flinched, feeling electricity course through his veins. Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, feeling like this wasn't the first time he knew and met these men. He looked at Jungkook and realized he looked familiar but couldn't quite pinpoint where he had seen the blue head.

Hoseok sighed, shaking his head before smiling. "I forgive you all. We're okay now."

Namjoon got up and hugged Hoseok, feeling an instinct to kiss him. Hoseok was his mate too, so...

He slowly leaned in and kissed Hoseok on the lips. The other five in the room were shocked because this wasn't what they planned on doing with Hoseok. Hoseok's eyes widened when he felt Namjoon's lips on his. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe. He was speechless. Of course, he was speechless—Namjoon was kissing him.

Namjoon pulled away, and Hoseok whined, shocked that he wanted to be kissed again. He looked at Namjoon in shock. Namjoon then turned to his other mates and silently told them to remove their masks and show Hoseok who they really were—that they were gumiho.

They reluctantly obeyed Namjoon and removed the spell that made their appearance invisible to the naked eye. Hoseok gasped and stepped back when he literally saw his six bosses with twelve tails and ears. Hoseok felt his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he fainted. The last thing he felt was someone's arm holding his waist as he fell.

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