45~ Rediscovering Bonds

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Authors pov

Hoseok spent the rest of the day in a whirlwind of emotions. Meeting the CEOs of BigHit had been an overwhelming experience, not just because it marked a significant step towards his dream, but because of the strange familiarity he felt with them. As evening approached, he prepared for the dinner invitation, still pondering the peculiar connection he felt.

In the outskirts of Seoul, the gumihos were busy preparing for Hoseok’s visit. They hadn’t stopped talking about him since he left. Jin was in the kitchen, whipping up a feast with jimin, while the others were tidying up the house and making sure everything was perfect.

"Do you think he’ll remember us?" Jungkook asked, arranging flowers on the dining table.

Yoongi sighed. "I don’t know. But seeing him today... it felt like a dream."

Namjoon, who was listening in the conversation nodded. "We need to take it slow. We don’t want to scare him off."

Taehyung was playing with Minhyun, who was excited about Hoseok’s visit. "Hoseokie coming!" Minhyun exclaimed, clapping his hands.

"Yes, he is," Taehyung smiled. "But remember, we need to be on our best behavior."

The doorbell rang, and the house fell silent. Jin wiped his hands on his apron and went to answer the door, heart pounding with anticipation. He opened it to find Hoseok standing there, looking slightly nervous but holding a bottle of wine as a gift.

"Hi," Hoseok greeted, offering a shy smile. "I hope I’m not too early."

"Not at all," Jin replied, his voice warm. "Come in, Hoseok."

Hoseok stepped inside, taking in the cozy ambiance of the house. It felt strangely comforting. The others gathered around, smiling at him.

"Welcome, Hoseok," Namjoon said, extending his hand. "We’re glad you could make it."

"Thank you for inviting me," Hoseok replied, shaking Namjoon’s hand. "Your home is beautiful."

Minhyun peeked out from behind Taehyung and ran up to Hoseok, tugging at his pants. "Hoseok!" he exclaimed, looking up with wide eyes.

Hoseok knelt down to his level and smiled. "Hey there, buddy. What’s your name?"

"Minhyun," the boy said proudly, puffing out his chest.

"Nice to meet you, Minhyun," Hoseok said, ruffling his hair.

"Come, let’s sit," Yoongi said, guiding Hoseok to the living room. "Dinner will be ready soon."

They sat down, and Hoseok looked around, noticing the subtle glances the gumihos exchanged. It was as if they were waiting for something. He decided to break the ice.

"So, you all run BigHit together?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Yes," Namjoon replied. "We started it a few years ago with a shared vision. We wanted to create opportunities for talented individuals."

Hoseok nodded. "That’s amazing. It’s such an inspiring story."

Jungkook leaned forward, his eyes softening. "And what about you, Hoseok? What inspired you to pursue being an idol?"

Hoseok paused, thinking back to his childhood dreams and the passion that had driven him. "I’ve always loved performing," he began. "Dancing, singing... it makes me feel alive. I want to share that joy with others."

The gumihos exchanged another glance, a silent understanding passing between them. Jimin, who had been quiet, finally spoke. "Do you remember anything from your past, Hoseok?"

Hoseok frowned slightly, taken aback by the question. "I remember bits and pieces. Some things are clear, others... not so much."

Before he could continue, Minhyun interrupted him, tugging at his sleeve. "Hoseok... you be my mama?" he asked, his sentence not entirely accurate but understandable.

Hoseok choked on his saliva, feeling a strange sensation in his chest. He shrugged it off and cleared his throat before standing up. "It’s really late. I should get going," he said, feeling suddenly overwhelmed.

Taehyung stood up immediately. "I’ll take you home," he offered.

Hoseok protested, "No, it’s fine. I can manage."

But Taehyung and the others wouldn’t hear of it. "No, we insist," Taehyung said firmly, guiding Hoseok towards the door.

The car ride to Hoseok’s home was quiet and awkward, neither of them knowing what to say. Finally, Hoseok broke the silence.

"Who is Minhyun’s mother?" he asked out of curiosity.

Taehyung glanced at Hoseok for a moment before looking back at the road. He muttered under his breath, "You."

Hoseok hummed, not fully catching what Taehyung said. "What was that?" he asked.

Taehyung smiled sadly and said, "Minhyun is adopted."

Hoseok's eyes widened."oh.."

Taehyung hummed.

Hoseok, unable to stop his curiosity, asked another question. "Are you all in a poly relationship?"

Taehyung hummed in acknowledgment, and Hoseok looked down at his fingers, playing with them nervously. He didn't know why he was thankful they weren't married to a woman,the idea of the six men with another person except him made him wanna gag. His eyes widened as he realized what he was thinking.

He gulped and looked out the window, cursing himself for thinking such things. "I’m way out of their league," he thought. "They wouldn’t even give me a once-over."

Hoseok sighed in relief when Taehyung finally pulled up at his driveway and stopped. He turned to Taehyung and thanked him for the ride.

Taehyung hummed with a smile, and they just stared at each other for a moment. Then, Taehyung leaned in and pecked Hoseok’s cheek.

Hoseok gasped and gaped at Taehyung before getting out of the car with red cheeks and entering his house with a pounding heart.

"What the hell just happened?"

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