Chapter 3

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Again the next day the same routine, with half sleep he woke up got ready and went to work and asked to do the same work , mopping the floor and washing the dishes. And it was an tiring job for him. The day ended very soon as he had a lots of vessels to wash.

      Everyday he has to wake up early in the morning, mop the floor and wash the dishes. Days passed and a friendship bloom between priya and Rocky , they used to chat a lot and she used to help him in his works unaware of her sister.

        After 5 days as he did all the works as usual

Anu said ,"clean the table"

"Me... ClEANING the table"

"Yes, you are CLEANING the table "
Said her doing the action of cleaning.

"It's never gonna happen. I won't do it."

"If you don't then.... Get out. "

"Get out... Are you serious?"

"I am. "

"Anu, look at my condition it's already tiring , and now you're asking me to do... "

"If you don't the... You can leave  Mr. Rock. " Interrupted Anu.

He moved near the table,
"Do you know how to do it... Or.... "

He turned and yelled "I know."

He went and hesitated as it's
too messy, but however he does it as it's his job.

Again he cried
"God, have mercy on me. "

After he finished the work, she said, "Come lets go to the market. "

"It's too hot Anu. "

"So what? "

"Let's go in the evening"

"I didn't ask whether you're coming or not? You must. "

"But Anu... "

"No more excuses. "

She rode the bike and he sat behind her. They both went to the market and in the hot sun he has to carry all the bags and walk behind her, it literally seemed like a  hell. Then she stopped at a place and asked him,

"Keep the bags there. "

He does as she said. Then she gave him the tender coconut ,it seemed like heaven while drinking it in the hot weather. After she finished shopping they went back to the parking. She started the bike and said

"Mm, hope on ."

As he got on the bike he yelled
"Ammmmaaaa..... "

"Why what happened? "

"Is it a hot griller. It burned my back. "

"Oh for God sake it's not that much hot" ,She got off the bike.

"Who told you to park your bike under the hot sun. "

"Ok fine , " She took a  cloth and spread it over the seat ,

"now it's not that much
hot. "

"No, I won't sit " She laughed as he behaved like a child denying to go to school.

"Give your hand. " She grabbed his hand and kept it over the seat  of the bike which is covered by cloth and it's that that hot,

"Now, can we go. "

"Whatever. " Annoyed Rocky.

After that they returned back to the hotel. He placed and arranged all the vegetables . Even though it's just a small hotel a lot of people visited there , cause the food there tastes really good.

     Then along with Balu anna, he went to the police station for enquiry about the bag .

All were busy. He went near the sub inspector and asked
"Sir, do you.... "

"Huh... Who are you? "

"I'm the one who lost the bag, my things.... "

"Oh that American boy"

"Yes.. Yes... "

"Have you found my things. "

"Not yet. "

"When will you? "

"Listen, we have lot more important works than finding your lost bag, but still we are working on it you'll probably get your bags back next week", he moved

" We'll call you. "

Hearing that he was not really happy. He felt lonely and somewhat empty. He had hopes he will be back to him home .But he has to wait a week.
When they were about to have dinner his bright face looked gloomy and priya asked

"What happened? "

He didn't utter a word.

"Have you recieved any information about your things? " Asked Anu
He shaked his head indicating no.

"Ok, don't be sad. Here see I made a sweet for you "

She gave him kesari and his  face still remained sad.

"Don't worry, I too asked one of my friend who is working in the police station "she lifted his head up,

" you'll get your things back soon they are working on it. "

He felt a little lightened. And Priya rushed to feed him the kesari. The  it turned to a mess and all laughed.

"Tomorrow you'll be going to the market. " Said Anu

"So.. Huh...That's why you gave me this sweet ." He asked with sharping his eyebrow.

"You know the place right? "

"Mm.. I know the place.. But, how will I go there? "

"In bike of course. "

"You're also coming... "

"No, you alone will be going to the market ."

"But, I don't know how to ride.... A... Bike. "

"Huh... You said you know everything Mr. Rock? "

"But.. Not... This... "

She gave a deep breath, before she could start Priya said,
"Tomorrow is a holiday for me, let me go along with him"

"Tomorrow you'll go, but what about the other days? " Asked Anu.

"Anu, I'll teach him. How to drive"

"Anyhow.. It's up to you" Said Anu.

"Rocky we'll rock tomorrow " Said Priya

"Yes let me see what you guys
can do? "


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