Removing his Gem?

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Garnet just looked at the request and glared.

"Any of you try removing his Gem and I'll personally send you to oblivion and I'm not talking about what happens when you get knocked off the stage." The fusion angrily said as Steven shook his head.

"My Gem stays where it is. End of discussion." The hybrid said.

"Actually I WOULD like to examine know for science." Velma said as Steven then glared at her, Diamonds in his eyes, a clear indicator that he was pissed off or annoyed.

"Well how about I take those glasses and shove them up your so far up your know it all ass that you'll never be able to solve the mystery of how to get them out?" The hybrid said as everyone gasped, even Harley and Arya were taken aback by the normally polite hybrid's words.

"Dude......harsh." Finn said as Steven shot a look at him.

"Go chew some rocks, dumb ass." He said before shouldering past the dumbstruck Finn and walking away.

"Uh......OK! Talk about a complete 180 in personality. What's so special about that Gem anyway?" Velma asked.

"You aren't as smart as you think, Velma. All of you please don't be offended by Steven's words. I'll go calm him down." The fusion said as she went to go find Steven....

Moral of the chapter, CaedynParrotte : We are NOT removing Steven's Gem.

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