Batman and Agent Smith

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Batman surveys the area....

"You can come out now. There's no matrix for you to hide in here." He said as Agent Smith appears.

"You're more... perceptive than most humans, Batman. You don't even seem like a human at all. Tell me: What do you seek?" Agent Smith asked.

"Something that I know I can never attain with how things are. No matter what I or the League ever accomplish, there will always be war. Strife. Death. Pain. Suffering. It's something that has seemingly no end. And even when we think we've ended it, something always happens to start the cycle again. I wonder...if it can ever be stopped?" Batman asked.

"Hmm. My point is proven and it's rare that I'm surprised by a human. So let me ask you this: Why not change it? Why not alter things? I'm not talking about saving lives. I'm talking about rewriting the system as a whole. A hard reset. Start completely clean." Agent Smith said.

"We do not have Admin powers like you. Not even Superman has that. No one can change the world simply by force of will. Or end suffering by force of will." Batman said.

"But what if someone could? You see, I believe you and I have the same mindset. Despite my disdain for humanity, I simply seek order. Stability. An end to the chaos, same as you. But here's the caveat: I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Are you, Batman?" Agent Smith said as he disappeared.

Batman now had even more to think about.


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