(We join the Multiversus crew when the sound of a guitar playing can be heard)
Finn:Huh? Whoa! I know that strumming anywhere!
Jake:(Gulp) So do I. She's really here isn't she?
???:Yep. Hey Jake?
Marceline:(in Vampire form) GAHHHHH!
Finn:Marcy! You're here!!
Marceline:Yeah. Wherever here is. I also ran into this other chick who I get serious vibes from.
Raven;She means me..
Wonder Woman:Raven? I should have known that wherever things like this happen, you're not too far behind.
Raven:Dunno whether that's an insult or a compliment...
Steven:Huh? Raven? Hmm...
Raven:Uh....what of it?
Steven:Oh uh,.. nothing. You just remind me of a friend of mine.
Raven:Huh. So do you, oddly enough. Same annoyingly cheerful attitude and disposition. And same "Nothing gets me down" vibe. It's making me inexplicably angry, to be honest.
Bubbles:Hey! Don't talk about Steven like that!
Steven:Bubbles, it's fine. I've heard far worse than that from better people than her.
Raven:Excuse me? Now who's being rude?
Steven:Then next time you should watch what you say. All I did was say you remind me of my friend. Sorry, but I don't see where I went wrong here.
Wonder Woman:Enough, you two.
Superman:This is what happens when a bunch of different people from different universes come together. Misunderstandings are inevitable.
Steven: There's no misunderstanding here. She was rude. Don't see how that's hard to understand.
Raven:You did a complete 180 in attitude..
Steven:Keep your judgements to yourself. I've heard plenty of them from better people than you that I actually respect. I don't know you, alright? And I've learned that sometimes you don't have to get to know everyone, especially if they're rude like you.
Wonder Woman:Steven, there's more to Raven than you think....
Steven:And I'm not in the mood to try and find out.
Finn:Yeah man. She stated the problem. Steven don't owe her anything. Let's go train, Steven.
Steven:Right behind you.
(Steven and Finn leave)
Marceline:Wow. Totally different than my original meeting with Finn and Jake.
Garnet:Raven, I'm sure you and Steven will get a better understanding of each other in time.
Me:Yep guys! Raven and Marcy are here!