Echoes Of A Beginning

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As the rain began to taper off, a different kind of thunder filled the air-the eerie howling of dogs, resonating like a mournful chorus. Elina drifted into the dark alley, despair weighing heavily on her. "I wonder when it all started," she mused aloud, her voice barely above a whisper.

A sudden rustle broke the silence. A Persian cat, typically known for its elegance, dashed frantically after a mouse. The cat's movements were a blur of white fur against the dimly lit surroundings. Its paws thudded softly against the ground as it leapt gracefully from terrace to terrace. In its frenzied pursuit, it miscalculated a step, slipping and plummeting toward the ground below.

With a sharp thud, the cat collided with Elina, knocking her down. The impact echoed through the alley, followed by the cat's quick, retreating footsteps. Elina lay on the ground, dazed, as a wave of nostalgia washed over her. "That's right, that's how it all started," she murmured, memories flooding back.

That day was Elina's first day of high school. A natural morning riser, she woke up at 5 AM to the gentle hum of her alarm. She freshened up, the sound of running water calming her nerves. She changed quickly and grabbed her headphones, the familiar click soothing her as she set out for a jog.

As she jogged, the rhythmic thumping of her shoes on the pavement was accompanied by her favorite songs. She came across a bright spot and stopped to admire the river flowing below her. The soft gurgle of the water was hypnotic. She took out a coin, making a wish. "Today is my first day of high school. I hope I can make lots of true friends and have a lovely three years without any troubles," she whispered, the coin clinking softly as she threw it into the river.

At that moment, a boy on a skateboard came into view, the wheels clattering against the handrails of the bridge. He didn't notice Elina and was taken by surprise, losing his balance. With a shout, he tripped over Elina just as the coin plopped into the water with a magical sound. The boy's fall was sudden and loud, knocking Elina off her feet.

Their eyes met as they lay tangled on the ground. "Please don't slap me, it was unintentional," the boy blurted out, his voice trembling. Elina, still dazed, gently took his hand and brought it close, her touch soft and comforting. "You are just like a cat," she murmured, her fingers ruffling his hair with a tender familiarity. As she felt the softness of his hair against her skin, a sense of warmth spread through her.

The boy's eyes softened, a strange look of familiarity crossing his face. "So this is what it feels like to have a sister around, he thought."

Realizing what she had done, Elina quickly pushed him away, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson. Her face turned so red it seemed as if steam might burst from her ears. The boy stood up, apologizing again. "It was unintentional, I swear." Elina, regaining her composure, took a deep breath and said, "It's alright," before asking, "What's your name?"

The boy, posing a peace sign with his fingers near his right winking eye , said, "I'm Aslan, a fellow first-year at high school. And who might you be, charming lady?" Elina shyly introduced herself, "I'm a fellow first-year, just like you," offering a handshake.

Their hands met, and another magical moment sparked between them, their eyes met again, sparkling innocently like fireworks on New Year's Eve. Elina's heart raced, each beat like a drum in her ears. Uncertain of her own feelings, she felt something much deeper than the ocean itself, a strange comfort in being consumed by those waves.

Aslan felt it too, a bond that felt unbreakable. A very deep, strong, and unbreakable family bond around her and thought to himself, "This girl has such a caring aura, so much so that I can see she would sacrifice herself for the ones she loves."

"How can a stranger I just met feel like my own sister? This girl sure is something else!!", he thought, his heart echoing the same sentiment.

The sounds of the world seemed to fade, leaving just the echoes of their meeting, a beginning neither of them would ever forget.

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