Shattered Echoes

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A thunderstorm was brewing within the family, a disaster that came unnoticed, wreaking havoc along its entire path. Elina sensed the impending danger, her whole soul going numb as she shivered with fear. She froze in her tracks, confused about what action would be appropriate.

Evan, consumed by his cruel ego, advanced toward ending his life. Elina snapped out of her temporary paralysis and rushed toward him. With swift decision and reflexes, she hurried to him from behind. In a desperate move, she bit him, succeeding in making Evan drop the piece of glassware. Deep bite marks were left on his right hand as he fell to the floor with a loud bang.

Eleonora gave her daughter a deadly look. "How dare you bite your father and knock him over? Is this how you behave around your parents?"

"But Mum, if I hadn't done that, who knows what might have happened to him? Who knows whether he'd be even alive-"

Elina was interrupted by her father, unable to complete her sentence as he proceeded to scold her with more rage in his eyes.

"For once, you have said it right, Eleonora!" he spat, turning his gaze toward Elina. "Just who in the world do you think you are? How many times have I warned you not to interfere with our personal disputes? Do you have no shame for your arrogance and insolence?"

Elina's heart sank deep with sorrow and disgust at her parents' immaturity. "I am not the one to be scolded. You guys never handle any situation maturely, despite knowing you have a daughter. Do you think about how it affects me? Or that I can't handle this trauma alone, especially when I can't turn to either of you?"

" You always use me as a tissue paper, relieving your frustration on me and then throwing me aside... there's so much more that can't be put into words. You never loved me or were there to hold my hand. And do you know what's worse? I can't even tell you all these things and always give in to your cruel nature!"

"Do you know what's worse? All the things I feel, I scream inside my heart and wouldn't let out of my head, just like I'm doing now!! I hate myself for this!! I feel disgusted of myself" These were her depressive thoughts inside her head.

They gave her a long-lasting lecture, using it as a means to relieve their frustration. She stood there like a statue, emotionless, listening to their tirade. Unable to protest or defend herself, she had witnessed and endured far more trauma than anyone could imagine.

Her grief was too immense for a normal high schooler to comprehend or sympathize with. She always faked a smile and never let anyone see her shed a single tear.

Despite everything, she had a heart made of steel, and the situations forced her to wear a mask-one that no one could uncover. Her silent cries were once more ignored by her own kin.

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