Fragments Of Lost Hope

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Elina's heart pounded in her chest as she walked home, her mind swirling with thoughts of Aslan. His sudden appearance, his touch, his voice-every moment with him felt like an eternity. The memory of his piercing gaze left her in a daze, making her long for the next encounter while wondering whether she really is in love with him?.

She reached her home, opening the door slowly. The creaking noise echoed in the silent hallway, as if foretelling a storm brewing within.

She reluctantly stepped inside, her heart still fluttering, only to be jolted back to reality by raised voices coming from the kitchen. Her parents were arguing again just as always, but this time it sounded worse than usual.

"In the kitchen-Just who do you think you are, Evan, trying to control every little thing I do!!" shouted Elina's mum, Eleonora, her voice trembling with rage and hurt.

"That's right, Eleonora, I'm the one who rules this house, and you don't get to take any decisions as long as I'm alive!"

"That's right, Evan, you've never considered me your equal! You shouldn't have married me in the first place if you never wanted to give me a place in your heart, you know!"

"Unfortunately, that's the bitter truth, Eleonora. I wouldn't have married you in the first place if it weren't for my mum. So please, just don't get me started. I knew I should have married Audrey; she is a lot more beautiful than you! Well, it's not too late, you know-she would gladly accept if I asked her out!"

"Huh? Just who the hell is Audrey? What the hell is going on between you two? You better start spilling the beans," Eleonora demanded, her voice rising in desperation. She swiftly grabbed a knife from the counter, bringing it near her pulse and pressing it aggressively against her wrist. "You better start talking, or else-"

Elina rushed towards the kitchen, her feet moving on their own accord. She burst through the doorway just in time to see blood dripping from her mother's hand. Eleonora had cut her wrist in a desperate attempt to force the truth from Evan. The sight of the blood was a shade of red so dark it seemed to shout for help.

Each drop of blood that hit the floor resonated through Elina's very soul, echoing her worst fears. She was so scared she could hardly breathe, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and terror. She no longer knew what to do, whom to confront, or how to make it stop.

Before Elina could make a move, Evan's ego snapped. "Don't make it look as if I'm the one torturing you. Your very soul should remember that you hurt me, and you should live with this guilt for the rest of your life," he said, his voice filled with venom.

He shattered a glassware onto the ground with a big bang, the pieces scattering like shards of their broken relationship. He grabbed a sharp, broken piece of glass and was about to slit his neck...

Elina's eyes widened with horror as she realized the extent of the damage their argument had caused. How will Elina confront this situation? How will she react to it? Will she loose everything in her life? What else does fate have in store for her?

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