Chapter 1

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Lucy Chen's fingers trembled as she fumbled with her phone. Her heart raced, and every breath felt like a struggle against an invisible weight pressing down on her chest. She had tried everything: deep breathing, grounding techniques, even the calming music playlist she reserved for moments like this. But nothing worked. Her vision blurred with unshed tears as the panic attack tightened its grip.

Without thinking, she scrolled through her contacts and pressed the name that brought her a sense of security, even if it was unexpected: Tim Bradford.

Tim's phone rang twice before he answered, his voice steady and reassuring. "Chen? What's going on?"

"I-I'm having a panic attack," she managed to stammer. "I've tried everything, but I can't... I can't calm down."

"Stay there. I'm coming to get you," Tim said without hesitation. The confidence in his voice cut through the fog of her anxiety, offering a lifeline to cling to.

Lucy clutched the phone to her chest, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. She paced her small apartment, counting the seconds until Tim arrived. The wait felt like an eternity, but finally, she heard the firm knock on her door.

She rushed to open it, and there he was. Tim Bradford, her training officer, her partner, her... friend. His presence filled the doorway, solid and dependable.

"Hey, it's okay," Tim said gently, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He placed his hands on her shoulders, grounding her with his touch. "I'm here."

Lucy's eyes welled up as she nodded, trying to believe his words. Tim guided her to the couch, sitting her down and kneeling in front of her so they were eye-level.

"Breathe with me," he instructed. "In through your nose, out through your mouth. Slow and steady."

She mimicked his breathing, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest. Slowly, her breaths began to sync with his, each exhale releasing a fraction of her tension. Tim's calm, unwavering presence anchored her, pulling her back from the edge.

Minutes passed, and the tightness in her chest started to ease. She could finally take a full breath without feeling like she was drowning. Tim stayed close, his eyes never leaving hers, offering silent support.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaky but grateful.

"You don't have to thank me, Lucy," Tim replied softly. "I'm here for you. Always."

His words sent a warm rush through her, a reminder that she wasn't alone. Tim Bradford, the tough-as-nails cop who rarely showed his softer side, was here, right when she needed him most.

"I'm sorry I called you so late," Lucy said, her voice still fragile but steadier now.

"Don't be sorry," Tim replied, his tone firm but kind. "You can call me anytime. Day or night."

Lucy nodded, her heart swelling with appreciation. In that moment, she realized how much she trusted him, how much he had become a part of her life beyond just being her superior. He was her rock, and she was his anchor in a storm.

They sat there in comfortable silence, the weight of her panic attack slowly dissipating. Tim's presence had a way of making her feel safe, and she knew that as long as he was around, she could face anything.

As the night wore on, Lucy found herself leaning on Tim more than ever, their bond growing stronger with each shared breath and whispered reassurance. And for the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of peace, knowing she had someone she could truly count on.

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