Chapter 2

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Weeks had passed since that night, and though Lucy Chen had managed to keep her anxiety at bay, the memory of Tim Bradford's unwavering support lingered in her mind. She found herself drawing strength from that night, knowing that she had someone she could rely on.

But tonight was different. Tonight, the panic attack was worse.

It started with a creeping sense of unease, growing rapidly into an all-consuming dread. Her breaths became shallow, her vision tunneled, and her hands shook uncontrollably. She felt like she was being crushed under the weight of her own fear.

Lucy knew she couldn't go through this alone. Without hesitation, she reached for her phone and called Tim. Her fingers shook so badly she nearly dropped it, but she managed to press his name.

"Chen?" Tim's voice came through the line, steady and calm, just as it had been weeks ago.

"Tim... it's happening again. It's worse this time," she managed to choke out between gasps for air.

"Hang tight, Lucy. I'm on my way," he said, his tone immediately shifting to one of urgency. "Keep breathing. I'll be there soon."

This time, the wait felt even longer, but Lucy tried to focus on Tim's instructions, breathing as deeply as she could manage. Each second felt like an eternity until finally, she heard the familiar knock at her door.

She rushed to open it, and there stood Tim, his eyes filled with concern. Without a word, he stepped inside and pulled her into a tight embrace. She clung to him, her body trembling against his.

"Shh, I'm here. I've got you," Tim murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. He led her to the couch, sitting beside her and keeping an arm around her shoulders. "Breathe with me, Lucy. In through your nose, out through your mouth."

Gradually, her breaths began to sync with his, the warmth of his presence calming the storm inside her. As her panic subsided, she felt an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude.

"Thank you," she whispered, looking up at him with teary eyes.

"Anytime," Tim replied softly, his hand gently rubbing her back. "You don't have to go through this alone."

As they sat in the quiet of her apartment, Tim realized just how deeply he cared for her. The fear of losing her, even for a moment, had made his heart ache in a way he hadn't expected. He had always been protective of Lucy, but tonight, that protectiveness had transformed into something more profound.

"Lucy," he began, his voice filled with uncharacteristic vulnerability, "I care about you. More than just as your training officer or partner. You mean a lot to me."

Lucy looked up at him, her heart swelling with emotion. She saw the sincerity in his eyes, the depth of his feelings laid bare."I care about you too, Tim," she replied, her voice soft but firm. "You've always been there for me, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

Tim's hand moved to cup her cheek, his thumb gently brushing away a tear. "You don't have to find out. I'm not going anywhere."

In that moment, the connection between them deepened, a bond forged through shared trials and unwavering support. They sat together, the silence filled with unspoken understanding and the promise of something more. Lucy knew that no matter how dark the night, Tim would always be there to bring her back to the light. And Tim knew that his feelings for Lucy were more than just professional; they were the beginning of something he was ready to embrace.

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