CHapter 11

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We continue with the soldiers surrounding Windblade as they drawn there weapons. Windy neck sparks as she tries to speak. Windy optics fade as the soldiers close in.

A few hours later Windy finds herself in large steel room hung upside down by her legs. She looks around the room and launches one of her turbines to cut chain she hits the floor with a thud. She looks around but her movement alerted no one.

Meanwhile with Bee he finds his way out the mine and finds himself where the sand meets the waves. Bee sits in the sand as soon he realizes he wasn't alone. Bee freezes as she looks down and sees a small young woman dressed in black one piece swimsuit with a violet stripes on her waist. Bee stumbles back but falls over a large rock while the woman hides behind her surf board. The two slowly peer out at each other.

A few minutes pass and the two slowly get out of their places and walk towards each other. The Bee introduces himself and the girl introduces herself as Charlie. Bee bends down as Charlie carefully wipes dust of his face.

Charlie asks Bee about his battle damage and Bee explains he got in a fight with a couple of humans unlike her but they had more armor and fire power.

Charlie then asked if his is rogue military project.

Bee but so says no and that he never scene anyone like that before.

Charlie "well in that case you need to say far away from them because they might take you to a lab and cut you into tiny little pieces"

Bee " that's sounds horrible "

Bee stands up and paused as he realized that what's going to happen to Windblade.

Bee tells Charlie how Windblade was captured by the soldiers.

Charlie asks who is Windblade.

Bee explains Windblade was an old friend of his.

Charlie agrees to help. Bee transformed and opens his drivers side door. Charlie stands back in amazement.

They start to drive off as a mysterious cop car watches them from a few palm trees.

Charlie and Bumblebee arrive at her house. Charlie closes the garage door behind. Bee transforms as Charlie walks towards the door and tells Bee she will be back in a bit. As this happens Barricade pulls outside of the house and opens his passenger door and releases his micro masters.

Meanwhile Charlie returns to bumblebee in pajamas and a brush in her hand. Charlie brushes her hair as they brainstorm ways to get Windblade out.

They continue to hangout into the night.
While Officer Barricade is watching over them.

Early next morning Bumblebee is watching The Breakfast Club and enjoying it.

Bee raises his right arm in happiness as Charlie walks in. She sees Bee enjoying himself all and tells him he can put in another one if he would like.

Bee decides against it and stands up and ask Charlie how she slept.

Charlie turns to bee with a smile on his face and says good.

The two hug as Bee throws the question why does your military tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

Charlie responds with "I am sure they aren't like that"

Bee " but they they responded to iron giant and other aliens including me with such hostile actions"

Charlie" Bee your worried about Windblade aren't you"

Bee " yeah , only if I have enough strength to drags her from the battle field with Slipstream she would be suffering right now"

Charlie " and who is Slipstream?"

Bee " Slipstream the second highest rank of the decepticon seekers."

Charlie " oh and who is highest ranking " decepticon seeker?"

Bee "that would be Starscream"

Charlie " Starscream?"

Bee " yeah "

While the Bee gives her a summary and more about his adventures. Windy is sneaking a round the military base. She comes to a large reinforced steel door she pulls out her sword and starts cutting through the door and as so she gets through she kicks the center of the door creating a loud thund as she gets outside. As she looks into the night sky she spots two jets approach her.

Windblade starts to run as the jets get closer. Suddenly on it the jets disappeared as the other launches missiles. Windy rolls out of the blast as missiles thunder into the ground. Windy runs pass multiple soldiers and hangers as she heads to the runway. Windy tries to take off but she is suddenly is grabbed and kicked in the back. Windy to her left and she doges her opponents saw blade attack. Windy gets up her opponent by her face and kicks as she flips. Windy rushes back wards using her turbines and then uses them to rush towards her opponent but she Windy is about to strike her opponent her arms were wrapped around with a electric whips and get tossed in a fuel truck. Windy lays stunned as the fuel truck spilles fuel. Her two opponent stand over her.

Sky warp : well done bro.

Thunder cracker : that shows her.

Skywarp pulls her saw blade and prepares to cut into windblades wings. Windy kicks her and gets up. Thunder cracker hits Windy with his whip. Windy gains three nasty scars from his attack on her waist. Windy groans as she looks at she looks up as Skywarp warps behind her and cut wings. Windy slashes at them with her sword in retaliation. Skywarp warps out of the way but thunder cracker gets slashed, he stumbled back into a puddle of jet fuel and as his electric whips ignite the puddle. He states darn as it explodes. Creating a large fire ball. Windy flies backwards and lands on a helicopter crushing it. Windy gets up as she holds her back. She stumbled over a electric fence and rolls down a small hit leaving a trail of engeron as she does so.

Windy looks up to the sun rise as uses a tree to brace herself. She opens a panel to her arms she spots a radio tower and heads towards it.

To be continued...

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