CHapter 15

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Charlie dressed white tank top with pair of jean shorts. Stirs a sponge in a bucket. Charlie looks at Bumblebee as he looks a bit scared at her. She gets to her feet and starts gently scrubbing the dust and mud from Bee revealing his yellow paint more and more as she does so. Charlie grabs a step ladder and starts scrubbing Bee's face as he sits down. Charlie leans on Bee's face to scrub his antenna.

A few minutes later Charlie stands back and wipes the sweat off her forehead.

Bee thanks Charlie. Charlie tells Bee your welcome as she notices Bee is missing his rear light. And suggests heading to a place she knows where to find the part. Bee agrees and in an hour they are standing in a junkyard. Bee watches Charlie as jumps in and out of a line of boats. Bee catches Charlie and spins around a bit as Bee stops Bee puts on his battle mask as he gets the feeling they are being watched. Bee transforms out his gun while holding Charlie in her other hand. They turn around and see a pair of long legs as they look upward Bee puts his weapons down and puts Charlie down. Bee " Windblade it's you" Windy smiles and bends on her knees and points at Charlie.

Bee " Charlie Windblade, Windblade Charlie"

The two girls shake hands. Windy smiles and tilts her head as Charlie smiles back.

A few minutes later Charlie finds the part for Bee and then turns her attention to Windblade as she stands on Bee's shoulders. Charlie scratches her head as she gaze at some sparkling wires in Windblade's neck. Charlie asks Bee if a part is missing. Bee explains she missing her voice box. Bee points to his as and example. Charlie climbs down and almost slips as jet engines roar towards them. Windblade covers them with her body as a missile hits a the line of boats behind them. Windblade draws her sword but her arm locks in place. Windy tries to move it as the two gets circle around. Bee orders the other girls to run. Bee shoots at the jets as Slipstream, Nova Strom. The two Seekers do a couple of fancy flying moves until the land in a super hero pose.

The two seekers look at Windblade damage and laugh at Windblade due to her right arm is stuck over her head. Bee continues to shoot at the Seekers but they continue to laugh. Then Slipstream boost towards Windblade while Nova Strom tries to grab Bee. Windblade tries to punch at Slipstream but Slip doges them all,Then she kicks Windblade with her knee and then slams her into a destroyed boat. Windy drools engeron as Slipstream punches her back. Bee turns as he hears Windblade struggling. Bee then gets grabbed by Nova Strom. Bee struggle to move. Charlie turns and sees the two struggle. Charlie grabs a large rusty wrench and yells to leave them alone. The two seekers plainly ignore Charlie and continue to beat up the two bots. Charlie smacks slipstream a few times. Slipstream annoyed grabs Charlie and begins to squeeze her in her right hand. Bee summons his hammer and throws it a Slipstream hit her in the face. Charlie falls and hits the ground. Windy get to her feet and but collapses due to her losing engeron from her damaged wings. Bee slips from Nova Strom's grip. Bee tackles Slipstream bee slams his fists into her face. Slipstream toss bee away and as Bee grab her foot see transforms and hits Bee with the full blast of her engines thrust. Bee then gets impaled in a thermight. It sparks melting bees paint. Bee throws it of him. Bee undose his battle mask and runs to his girls. Bee lifts up Charlie and puts his hands on both of their chests.

Charlie opens her eyes as she crawls towards Windblade as Bee tries to keep Windblade online. Bee watchs as Charlie gets up and as she does so she slips on engeron and she slams into Windblades face. Windy then suddenly scanned Charlie. Charlie confused by the light of Windys eyes hides behind Bee. Bee hugs Charlie as Windblade creates a Holo form of Charlie. The two watch as Windblade gets up. Bee scratches his head as he sees double.

A few minutes later they arrive at Charlie's place. The two exit out of Bumblebee before he transformed. Charlie sits Windblade on a stool as Bee sits. Windblade begins to talk sounding like Charlie. Bee and Charlie eyes widen as they hear Windblade speaking. As the two begin to talk into the night.

Barricade pulls outside of the house again listening on there conversation.

Early the next morning Charlie rises from her bed and passes Windblade sleeping on the couch she enters the garage where Bee is sleeping.

Charlie taps on Bee. As he wakes.

Bee slowly transforms and hugs Charlie.

Charlie tightens a tarp around bee right arm.

Bee asks how is Windblade doing

Charlie "she is still sleeping but I will check"

Charlie walks towards Windblade and puts her hand on her neck.

Charlie turns towards Bee as peers in though the garage door.

Charlie " she's fine be just sleeping"

Bumblebee "peh she is still online "

Bumblebee " Charlie let's go get some engeron"

Charlie "engeron?"

Bumblebee "it's our fuel source that we run on , Windblade barely has some in her system after what happened yesterday"

Charlie "right bee , but where are you going to get some"

Bumblebee " I think I know where I can get some "

Bumblebee shows Charlie a map of a decepticon mine.

Bumblebee and Charlie gather there there things and begin to roll for the decepticon mine.

To be continued...

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