12※ Devotion

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───※ 𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙃𝙊𝙍 𝙋𝙊𝙑 ※──


In a dimly lit corner of the club, Gina and Jack seated together, a pair of beers in hand. Gina took a sip of her drink. "I have been trying to reach Yin," she said casually to Jack. "But I think he's blocked my number."

Jack's expression darkened slightly. "Blocked you?"

Gina chuckled. "Seems like it," she replied, taking another sip of her drink. "He's really doesn't give a fuck about me, I guess."

Jack's features hardened further, his grip tightening around his beer bottle. "Maybe you should try harder," he suggested. "You know how to seduce him, don't you?"

Gina burst out laughing at Jack's unexpected comment, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, Jack," she said between giggles, "you're too much sometimes."

Jack scowled. "I'm serious, Gina. If you want him back, you have to make him realize what he's missing."

Gina smirked. "Why are you so keen on me seducing Yin?"

"I just think...you two had something special. Maybe you still do."

"Oh God, Jack, is this really about Yin and me, or do you secretly have a thing for Third?"

Jack's face twisted in disgust. "Third?" He sputtered. "No way, Gina. I'm not a fucking...gay."

Gina laughed at Jack's reaction, shaking her head "Relax, Jack," she said teasingly, nudging him. "I was just kidding."

Gina took a thoughtful sip of her beer. "You know, Jack, if Yin doesn't want me anymore, I don't want to push him. Lately, I have been thinking maybe he's found someone he wants to be serious with."

Jack cleared his throat. "Someone else? Do you...really think so?"

Gina shrugged. "I'm not sure. But he's been distant, not playing around with a girl anymore and blocking my calls...It makes me wonder if there's someone special in his life."

Jack clenched his jaw and became silent.

"And you know what's strange?" Gina continued. "I have never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at...whoever it is."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Gina shrugged again, a small smile playing on her lips. "I mean, I have never seen him look at anyone with that... spark," she explained while remembering he bumped into Yin and War before. "Especially not with me, for sure. It's almost like...maybe he likes someone who isn't a woman."

"You...think Yin might be interested in a man?"

Gina laughed softly. "It's just a gut feeling. But I can't shake the sense that there's someone significant in Yin's life, someone he truly cares about. If he does have a boyfriend, I just hope for the best. You know how it is with Third being his 'imaginary partner', it won't be easy for his fans to accept if Yin has someone else and he can't fulfill their fantasies anymore. They might start turning away from him."

Gina continued. "Remember what happened with Bright? When his fans found out he had a girlfriend, they started blackmailing him, threatening to boycott his work and tarnish his image," she explained. "It can get really intense when fans feel betrayed or when their fantasies are shattered."

Jack slowly nodded. "Yeah, I remember that. Fans can be...passionate, to say the least."

"Exactly," Gina agreed. "Yin's fan base is devoted but they can also be unpredictable. If he's hiding something like a relationship, it could have consequences."

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