Chapter 8

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Ally's P.O.V

Everyone must have been a little bit too loud because the next thing you know Quinn starts rubbing her eyes as she wakes. When she opens her eyes her face turns from sleepy to shocked with in a split second. She sits up and I sit next to her and cuddled her side. "Mummy who are these people starring at me?"she says while pointing her tiny finger at the guys. "These are Mommy's friends". She looks at then and they all wave at her. They all say hi to her and she shyly says hi back. They ended all getting along well with her as they mucked around together.

Cameron's P.O.V

All the guys seem to be getting on well with Quinn. The guys seem to be really like Quinn. But how can you not like a girl as cute as she is. Ally's very lucky to have her as her daughter, like seriously she's freaking adorable.

3 hours later

Ally and Quinn left because Ally said that Quinn had to go to bed soon. I offered for them to stay the night. But as soon as I asked a worried look came across Ally's face and she politely refused my offer. All the guys are sleeping over at Nash and my place so we just ordered pizza. All night long I thought of how I want to be apart of Ally's life again. I really did miss her. I walked out to the living room and they were all talking about something so I sat down next to Matthew and joined in their conversation. Then all of a sudden Nash changes the subject "so Cam don't you think Quinn is cute" he said. I replied with "yeah she's adorable". After I said that they all starting laughing. I wanted to know what was so funny I asked "What's so funny?, why are you all laughing?". Then Matthew said "Omg he doesn't get it". What the fudge are they talking about "what don't I get?". Nash spoke "sometimes you can be really dumb you know dude". What are they talking about?. "Please tell me guys" I said while play punching Matthew side who was laughing his head off. They all look at each other with smirks on their faces. Nash pulled a chair up in front of me and sat on it "Cam you're Quinn's father". What the fuck I'm not her father what is he talking about?. I just laugh at him "dude she isn't my kid, her father left her and Ally". Nash just looked at me "dude you and Ally were as strong as anything relationship wise then all of sudden she leaves with out a reason. She left you three years ago didn't she?" I just nodded my head yes. "Exactly, Quinn is three years old". That doesn't mean she mine..does it?. "So she could've met the father right after she left". Nash just looked at me "did you even take a look at Quinn she doesn't look like Ally's she looks like you" he paused and then continued "like a lot". My jaw just dropped at what he was saying. Come to think of it she did have my eyes, my hair color and even my smile. Wtf she can't be mine. I refuse to let these guys try and trick me. She's not my kid, she can't be. Like I'm pretty sure I would've known by now that I have a three year old daughter. I'm so confused right now. What if Quinn was mine. I'm not ready to become a father I'm too young. I look up at Nash "she can't be mine, I mean Ally would've told me". Nash just looked at me until Matthew spoke up "Cameron she was seventeen when she fell pregnant she must of been terrified to say the least. She was also probably scared you'd reject her and the baby". Matthew might be right. Didn't she trust me, I would have supported Ally and the baby... I think.

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