Chapter 15 - Telling Quinn

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Ally's P.O.V

"Well Cameron here is" I paused and look at Cam for approval to continue on and he smiled as he nodded his head. I then continued on "is your father, Cameron is you daddy". Quinn at first look confused you could tell that the news and just sunk in when a smile came across her face "so he's my  Daddy?" she said whilst pointing at Cam. Cam looked at her and said "yes I'm your Daddy". Quinn clapped her hands "yay I have a Daddy". She was so happy I couldn't help but to have such a large smile on my face. She jumped onto Cam and gave him a hug and Cam hugged back, aww they look so cute together. Maybe just maybe this might be the best decision I'll ever make for her. Quinn finished hugging him and she turned around so she was sitting on his lap facing me "does this mean Daddy will be living with us?". She look at me with hope in her eyes "no sorry baby, he has his own house that he has to slept in".

Cameron's P.O.V

Well to late to back out now she knows I'm her father. When Ally told she seemed so happy to have father. I have to admit I felt bad that I wasn't there for her all these years but yet again how could I be there if I didn't even know she existed until a few days ago. Some of the guys said to wait a bit longer before we break things to Quinn but I'm glad we did it. I can't wait to do all the things a father does with his daughter. I'm not going to lie Ally and I created a fricken cute kid. I played with Quinn for the rest of the night, she made me play dolls and then we played princesses with involved me wearing a dress which by the way was not funny nor was it a pretty sight but at least I made my little princess happy. Ally got a laugh out of me wearing a dress and she was taking photos of Quinn and I playing in our dresses and threaten to post them on twitter after me begging her not to she ended up not posting them...thank God. The Time rolled by so fast that before I knew it it was Quinn's bed time. I helped Ally tuck Quinn and I gave Quinn a good night kiss on her forhead before turning off the light. After she was asleep Ally and I talked over a nice cup of chocolate whilst we were downstairs. I asked when Quinn could come and have sleepover at my house and Ally said that I needed to get things for such as a bed etc. if I wanted Quinn to stay over. So Ally agreed that she would come "Quinn" shopping with me tomorrow, which means Quinn gets to sleep over at mine and Nash's house tomorrow night. I'm so going to spoil her with junk food but shoosh don't tell Ally. Ally's bit of a health freak when it comes to what Quin can and can't eat. Ally and I continued talking about stuff until I got a text from Nash asking where I was. I cleared my throat "I better get going Nash is worried" I say whilst getting up from the table. "Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow Cam" Ally said while smiling at me. "Yep see you tomorrow" I then gave her a hug goodbye which by the way was amazing and I walked out of the apartment shutting the door behind. To home I go.

To be Continued. ...

Authors Note:
Sorry for the short chapter but I promise that there's a lot of stuff that's going to happen in the next chapters that will make up for it.

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