Chapter 16 + competition

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Competion: if you go and read @ annonymouschick book called is this the truth (you can find it in my reading list),vote for her chapters and comment on her book saying I was sent here... comment on this chapter saying done and you'll be in the running to be Cameron's later on lover in this book

Cameron's P.O.V
I'm so excited I couldn't sleep all night, I get to have Quinn stay over tonight. Ally is dropping Quinn off at a friends place and then she'll come to my house to pick me up and we'll go Quinn shopping. Normally I hate shopping when it doesn't involve me getting new clothes or food but today I was excited because I get to spend a whole day with Ally as well as having my daughter stay with it's so strange me, Cameron Dallas having a three year old daughter.

Ally's P.O.V
I'm in the car driving to Cam and Nash's house. I've just dropped Quinn off at one of my trusty friends house. I often wonder what life would have been like if I would have just told Cameron I was Pregnant. Would we still be together?. I think I still might have feelings for Cameron after all he was my first proper boyfriend but Cameron probably doesn't have feelings for me anymore. Anyways I try not to focus to much on guys and try to give all my attention to Quinn. However it would be nice to feel loved by a man again. Ok I'm here now. I step out of the car and walk up to the Cash house and knock on th door. The door opened revealing Nash minus his clothes. I was shocked I could see everything even his little boy. He was fully aware that he was butt naked because a look of terror came across that handsome face of his and he quickly slammed the door in my face and yelled "just wait a minute" his voice was full of embarrassment. About a minute later he re-opens the door but this time he had clothes on "I'm so sorry about that, when you knocked on the door I thought it was going to be Matt and Carter because they were coming over today and they've seen me naked plenty of times". I just nodded still shocked at what I had just saw "I'm glad I didn't end bringing Quinn here" we both laughed but seriously I'm so glad she wasn't here to witness what I just saw. "I think I'll text one of you's before I come to make sure yall are dressed" he nods his head "yes that would be a good idea". Nash hugs me and says "I I'm sorry". Then all of a sudden I hear a throat be cleared and I look up to see Cameron just standing there "sorry for?", Nash was about to talk when I quickly interrupted him "let's just say I saw something very disturbing" I giggled and Nash looked at me a little offended but I continued to giggle. Cameron just gave us both a weird look "ok Ally let's go now, we'll drive in my car" he said while walking to his car, I nodded my head and said goodbye to Nash before running off to Cameron's black jeep and hoping in.

Cameron's P.O.V
I'm here driving to the shops with Ally in the passenger seat of my jeep. She has her window down as she allows the wind to blow her hair back. We aren't saying much instead I'm enjoying her company as we listen to soothing music on this bright summer day. When we reach the shops Ally pulls out a list of all the things I need to get for Quinn the list includes things such as a bed that's safe for her to sleep on, toys, a car seat, kids cold and flu in case she gets sick, a potty seat for kids so she doesn't fall into the toilet and lots of others things who knew a kid needed so many things. Luckly Nash and I had a spare bedroom in our house or we would be in trouble but hey anything for my princess.

After fours hours of non stop shopping Ally was finally satisfied and was ready to head home and set everything up. I can't wait to have my daughter stay with me.

I'm sorry for the lack of uploading I was busy with end of year assignments, exams and other things. But now I'll be uploading regularly because I'm on Summer Holidays for the next eight or so weeks.

Questions of the chapter:
Have you seen or want to see the outfield?
Do you support Jadison? (You can say no)

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