Chapter 14

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Ally's P.O.V

So last night was the most embarrassing night of my life. I freakin vomited on Carter. I never realized that I like Cameron that way until Jack Gilinsky asked me that question and then I realized my feelings for Cameron never went away. I've been too busy stressing out about whether or not I could trust him to be Quinn's father that I never stopped to realize that I still have feelings for the father of my child. Maybe it might be best if i just call up Cameron and tell him that he should come around so we can tell Quinn he's her father. But yet again I'm use to being Quinns one and only parent what if he takes her away from me?, what if Quinn wants to live with him and not me?. I just don't know anymore all that I know is that I have to make the right decision or I'll regret it. The positives of letting him be her father is firstly Quinn will have someone to call dad, he'll get to be apart of his daughters life and maybe we'll become a family. However a negative includes the fact that she might like him better than me and she might not want to see me anymore. Boy being a parent is hard. Anyway right now I'm sitting on the couch trying to think this all through. Quinn on the other hand is still asleep even though it's like 11am, those boys must have taken all her energy away with the amount of playing around they did. After thinking about this whole Cameron situation even more I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to call him and tell him to come over. I reached for my phone which was on the coffee table and I found Cameron's number to call him. My finger hovered over the call button, should I press it?. OK here goes nothing I whisper to myself as press the call button and within seconds a very sleepy sounding Cameron picked up.
Phone call...

Cameron: Hey Ally

Ally: Hey Cam umm do you have time to talk?

Cameron: sure what's up?

Ally: I think it's time

Cameron: time for what?

Ally: to tell Quinn that your her father. I've thought this through and I think you'd make a good father

Cameron: Ally I don't know what to say. Thank you I thought you'd never say that. I've thought through as well and I think I'm ready. So should we tell her today?

Ally: yeah I think it's best to do it today

Cameron: ok I'll be there in an hour because I'm not dressed or anything

Ally: oh ok bye

Cameron: bye and Ally don't stress too much I promise I'll be the best father to Quinn that I can be

Ally: thank you Cameron

Cameron: oh and one more thing just call me Cam,we are friends

Ally: ok Cam bye

And that was the end of the phone call between Cam and I. I need to go and wake Quinn. I'm not going to dress her because she can stay in her pajamas, we aren't going anywhere but I'll definitely have to do her hair. I wake Quinn up and she rubs her eyes and sits up "what are we doing today Mommy?". I stroke her hair and put it behind her ears and reply with "someone very special is coming today, he'll be here very soon. And with that she got up of bed. I made her breakfast which consisted of one peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crusts cut off. After she was finished her breakfast I washed the food off her face, she's a messy eater just like her father. Cam should be here any minute now. So while we were waiting I sat Quinn down at her kiddy table with some pencils and a coloring in book. I just scrolled through my instagram feed until i herd a knock on th door. The must be Cameron. I hoped up and walked towards the door. I turned the doorknob and pulls the door opened and saw Cameron standing there. "Hi Cameron" I said and he came up and hugged me. I must admit it felt good to be in his arms again even if it was just a friendly hug. "Hey Ally are you sure about this?". I just nodded "yes Cameron come in and we'll tell her". I lead him inside and told him to sit on the coach while I go get Quinn. I went to get and she followed me and we stood in front of Cam who's was sitting on the couch. I bent down to Quinn and put my arm around her. "Quinn" she looked at me confused "yes mommy". Here I go "you know Cameron right" she nods her head and points to Cameron. I continued "and you do know how you always ask who's your daddy is?" she nodded her head yes, I took a deep breath and said to her "well Cameron here is your....
To be continued...

Authors note:
Haha I updated twice in one week for a change....
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