Daan : The New Kid

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Monday Morning comes and Daan was forcefully awakened by his twin sister

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Monday Morning comes and Daan was forcefully awakened by his twin sister. She told him to go quickly take a shower and he followed her commands to the t, in hopes for her to stop with her yapping. 

"We're so twinning in your first day at school!" Daphne has always been the fashion enthusiast, while Daan, not so much. "Please tell me you brought the black turtleneck." Beg Daphne as she rummage through Daan's closet. 

"Mhm, I quiet like that top. It should be on that box." Daan pointed out and Dapne pounce on said box like a cat with a laser pointer. "Found it?" Asked Daan as he put on some lip balm to moisturize his lips. 

"Yep! Here!" Replied Daphne enthusiastically as she went to look for a suitable shoes to go along with the rest. 

The final look was a black long sleeves turtleneck, a checkered black and grey trousers accompanied by Daan's usual jacket. It was certainly a look, especially with the black shoes Daphne had chosen at last seconds. 

"I thought you said I was cooked when it comes to the ladies? Why do I need to dress up?" Daan asked as he put on some hair gel. 

"First impression matter, duh." Daphne rolled her eyes. 

"Darling, your boyfriend is here!" Bellowed their father from downstair. 

"Just a sec, waffle or pancakes?" Daphne lingered just to ask. 

"Waffles please." Daan hums and Daphne then leave to prepare their breakfast. 

Grabbing his jacket, Daan then went downstair to greet the rest. His mother had already leave since the hospital called for her early. His dad was busy with his ipad, probably reading the breaking news and what not. His twin sister was cooking along with her boyfriend, Kenny McCormick. 

Daan had met the boy Saturday night previously and had approve him as his twin's boyfriend. Just as Daphne said, Kenny match her freak but the boy is genuinely nice and do care for Daphne. At least, Daan could tell from the way he would look at his sister. 

Kenny as a friend is not so bad either. The boy is very good with games so he and Daan clicked instantly. Kenny was at first surprised by Daan's appearance. The boy with orange parka had expected a nerd looking boy but was instead introduced to a Greek statue. At least thanks to this, Kenny revealed that he got twenty bucks from the bet he made with his friends, Daan was amused when he learn about this. 

"Ken and I are going with the bus, are you coming?" Daphne asked to her twin brother.

"Nah, I'm going to take my motorbike. Don't worry I won't get lost." Daan assures as he eat his waffles. 

"Nice, is it the beauty at the garage?" Kenny asked as he started with his pancakes. 

"Yup, had her since I had my driving license. By the way, is there anyone I needed to watch out for?" Daan asked back to Daphne and Kenny. 

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