Chapter Three - New Information

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Kenna kept her eyes down as she swept the floor. They had been cleaning for the past few days, and nothing they did seemed to be good enough for Captain Levi. At this point, Kenna was sure that she had been placed in more peril cleaning for the captain than she had ever been in the field with a Titan.

Kenna stood at the the top of a ladder with a dust rag as she dusted off the top of the shelves in the kitchen. Connie was cleaning everything that could be reached normally. Eren was sweeping the floor in the kitchen. Eren seemed even more scared than the rest of them. Kenna wondered what Eren went through in the month he spent with Captain Levi and his old squad. Armin was somewhere in the room. She heard the door open and people walk in.

"You just trying to steal some food, Sasha," Jean grumbled as they walked into the kitchen. "I'll get Captain Levi to chop you up into nice bite-sized pieces."

"I won't!" Sasha defended herself. "Probably..."

"Hey! Did you guys wipe the dust and dirt off your shoes before you came in?" Eren asked them.

Kenna looked over her shoulder and stopped cleaning for a moment. She could see the fear and irritation in Eren's eyes. The irritation was only made worse by Jean's laid-back attitude.

"Say what?" Jean said as he looked at Eren. "No, we didn't. Can't you see all the stuff we're carrying?"

"Do you seriously think that attitude will satisfy Captain Levi?" Eren asked as he held on tightly to the broom. "If I hadn't personally given your sheets hospital corners this morning..."

"Quit nagging!" Jean snapped at Eren. "Who are you, my mom?!"

"We're back," Mikasa said as he walked in with Historia Mikasa was carrying two big loads of firewood. Kenna resisted the urge to slap her palm against her forehead. She knew it would do no good; Mikasa was probably the most stubborn person that Kenna knew.

"Wait, were you just chopping firewood?" Armin asked her. The concern in his voice was undeniable.

"Got to stay in shape," Mikasa shrugged it off.

"You got grabbed by a Titan!" Armin scolded her. "You should be in bed."

"I try to stop her, but she won't listen," Eren said. "I saw her doing sit-ups earlier!"

"How dare you, you peeping Tom!" Jean snapped at Eren.

"Huh?! How does that constitute "peeping"?!" Eren snapped back at Jean.

Jean and Eren were starting to go at each other's throats. It was enough to almost put a smile on Kenna's face.

"It's almost like we're back in the Cadet Corps," Sasha said.

"Yeah." Connie said. "Why do you figure we were chosen for the new Levi Squad, though? Protecting Eren and Historia is such an important mission..."

"Because we're talented, I assume," Sasha said. Kenna watched as Sasha quietly reached into the basket with the bread.

"Sasha, what did you just put in your bag?" Armin caught her.

"Nothing bread-related," Sasha said.

"Why, you!" Jean said as he, Armin, and Connie swarmed Sasha. "Give it back."

Jean and Connie held onto to Sasha while Armin tried to get the bread back. Kenna didn't know why they were evening trying. They should know that Sasha would never willingly give up her food.

"Hey, focus!" Eren said. Kenna could hear the nervousness in his voice. "We got to finish cleaning before the captain gets back!"

"Put back the bread," Connie said.

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