Chapter Four - New Enemy

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Kenna's stomach twisted as they walked through the streets of Trost. She hated every bit of this plan. She did her best to keep her hands off of her ODM gear. Kenna did her best to keep her eyes forward, but it was hard when she felt like they were being watched.

"Try not to walk in a cluster," Captain Levi instructed them. "We'll stand out. Eren and Historia, just walk normal."

Kenna made sure to keep behind her friends. She made sure to keep her eyes locked on the back of Mikasa's head.

"Why is the royal family's flag hanging everywhere?" Connie asked.

"Oh! Today must be the anniversary of the King's coronation," Sasha said. "Once a year, they hand out a haul of rations."

As if on cue, the MP's on the cart started to speak, "We'll begin handing out rations! King Fritz has heard of Trost District's hardship and will donate the royal family's reserves! There's enough for everyone! Line up orderly!"

"What a King!" people started to exclaim.

"He sure is generous!" Connie said.

"He's got more than he knows what to do with," Captain Levi said. Kenna could a bit of disdain in his voice. "People are weak, especially when baited with food."

Kenna was glad that she never had to deal with that type of food insecurity. She always knew where her next meal was coming from.

"Watch out!" Captain Levi yelled. "Behind us!"

Kenna looked over her shoulder in just enough time to jump out of the way of the cart that was barreling towards them. As Kenna caught her footing, she saw the men in the cart grabbing Armin and Jean. Kenna bit the inside of her cheek as she saw them start to speed away.

"Arm..." Sasha stopped herself from saying the wrong name. "I mean, Krista and Eren! Those bastards, they took them!"

Kenna was glad that Sasha had decided to go into the military. She would have never made it in the traveling tropes that went around the walls.

They started to race after the cart. Kenna just focused on the cart in front of her. Any aches or stitches that would come meant nothing compared to what they were trying to do. Only when they were lead down a back ally did they employ their ODM gear. Kenna felt better when she was in the air with her gear. It made her feel much less exposed.

Kenna perched herself on the roof next to Connie and Sasha. Kenna's fists tightened as she watched the men who had captured her friends pawed as Armin. It made her stomach twist and her blood boil. Kenna kept a firm hand on her ODM gear as she waited for Captain Levi's orders. She hoped that he would have them act as quickly as possible. Kenna heard the zip of the ODM gear. She didn't turn her head as she heard Mikasa settle besides them. She waited for the sound of Captain Levi's gear.

"We act now. They have no weapons. We'll open the windows as quietly as we can and then we'll strike," Mikasa said. "Connie, Sasha, take out the guy holding Jean. Kenna and I will take out the guy pawing at Armin."

"Without the Captain?" Connie asked.

"He trusts us to finish this," Mikasa said. "He's going after Eren and Historia." She glanced at everyone. "Let's go."

They all zipped to the window. Connie opened the window as quietly as he could. They walked along the rafters. Connie and Sasha tip-toed hang over the man who was holding Jean. Kenna took a deep breath before looking at Mikasa. Mikasa nodded and they all dropped at the same time. Kenna dropped to ground and did her best to drag Armin away from the man; Kenna managed to get the chair about ten feet away from the man. As soon as she had her feet on the ground, she began to untie Armin. She could hear Mikasa beating the man behind her. Kenna glanced up and saw that Sasha had managed to knock the man who was holding Jean out while Connie untied him.

"Get them behind some of the boxes," Mikasa instructed them. "Armin, Jean, the two of you get back to the chairs. Sasha and I will stay in here and wait for the men who will come to take Armin and Jean. Connie, Kenna, I want the two of you posted at the east and west roofs to make sure that no one else comes. Connie, you'll take the north as well while Kenna takes the south. Keep an eye on Sasha. She'll signal if someone enters this building. Keep an eye out and report to me as soon as we have them subdued."

Kenna nodded as she zipped back up to the windows. Kenna went out the western window. She sat at the southwestern corner of the roof. Her eyes scanned the streets for any hint of people coming towards the building. She wondered who had been hired to come and take Armin and Jean from this place. A shiver went down Kenna's spine as she imagined what they wanted to do with Eren and Historia.

Kenna did her best to keep her mind from wandering; the task that they had been assigned needed every bit of her attention. It had been a hard task as of late. Reiner's and Bertolt's betrayal floated through her mind. Kenna bit the inside of her cheek as she banished the thoughts from her mind. Kenna started to walk down the roofs of the western wall. No one stuck out in her mind as being particularly suspicious looking. Kenna walked back up the western wall and made her way to the southern wall. All she could see were people walking around living their lives. Kenna wondered how many of them even comprehended what was actually happening in the world around them. She wondered how many of them had the luxury of wondering.

Her eyes flitted to the windows of the building; Sasha was still standing on the boxes. She made no move to give any hint that someone was approaching. Kenna wanted to make sure that nothing slipped past her watch. Luckily, there was only one entrance to the building. If a small army were going to try and take her friends, they would either have to go through Mikasa on the ground or her in the air.

Kenna's eyes caught a bit of movement. Kenna turned towards Sasha and saw that she was nodding. Kenna went to the window and kept her eyes peeled towards the south and west. No one was approaching the abandoned building. Kenna felt her heart start to beat out of her chest. Kenna cracked the window as she listened for Mikasa.

"Connie, Kenna! Is it really just the four of them?!" Mikasa yelled up at them.

"Yeah, that's it!" Connie said. "Nobody else in the area!"

"There's no one coming from the south or the west," Kenna informed Mikasa.

"All right!" Mikasa said. "First, we tie these guys up, then we'll meet up with the captain."

"What do you mean?" Jean asked.

"Captain's orders, and he sends a message, too," Mikasa said as they finished restraining the men. "But, that's not important right now. We need to meet the Captain and find Eren and Historia."

Armin and Jean got out of their disguises and back into their Scout uniforms. They all went to the roof. Kenna looked out to the city as she awaited for Mikasa's instruction. It was clear that Captain Levi trusted Mikasa for a reason.

"I hear gunshots," Sasha said. Kenna looked over at Sasha. The brown-haired huntress looked so incredibly stressed. "About a dozen, from there!" Kenna looked in the direction that Sasha was pointing.

Kenna heard nothing, but she had learned not to doubt Sasha's ears.

"You think something happened?" Jean asked Mikasa.

"That seems most likely," Mikasa said. Mikasa took a breath before speaking again. Kenna could hear the seriousness in her voice. Kenna just knew that this would be the time for Captain Levi's message. "The Captain gave me a message, as of now, it's not just Titans. We're fighting humans too."

Kenna's heart dropped as the words left Mikasa's mouth. She knew that she was being lead to a path that frightened her; Kenna hated that she was right. Fighting against Titans was easy. Fighting against Titan shifters was hard just because of who the shifters were. Fighting against humans went against everything that Kenna had ever learned. Kenna just hoped that when the time came, she would be able to make that sacrifice.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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