Untold Secrets: Therapy Session #I.

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The boys took time to claim their beds and unpack. There were no closets or places to hang things so ultimately they ended up putting their clothes in piles on the floor. They had all packed pretty light, because that's what their father had forced them to do. They shared most of their clothes anyway.

After they had gotten a bit settled in, Dr. Park strolled back into the room. They really hated that there wasn't a door but they knew there was nothing they could do about it.

"I think it's time we begin," Dr. Park informed. The boys looked at each other with slight confusion.

"Begin what?" Taehyung asked.

"Our first therapy session, of course."

"Already? We just got here," Taehyung replied.

"And you were sent for a reason. Let's go." The doctor led the way to the room where they'd be holding therapy sessions. There was nothing special about it. It was simply an empty room with more terribly chipped wallpaper and a bunch of chairs inside. Dr. Park arranged some of the chairs into a semi-circle and took a seat in front of everyone, holding a clipboard and paper.

"What's that for?" Namjoon asked, pointing to the clipboard.

"Notes. I am a doctor, aren't I? We take notes."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. He thought the doctor was a bit snarky.

Jin couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the doctor mimic Namjoon and roll his eyes back at him. He kind of liked this guy.

The boys all took a seat next to each other and got a bit fidgety, they weren't used to talking about their feelings or experiences with strangers.

Dr. Park wasn't one to ever waste time. Time was too precious. He clicked his pen open and put it to the paper. "I guess I will start by asking this, why are you all here?"

The boys hesitantly looked at each other, not sure who was going to answer. Taehyung decided he'd start. "We actually don't know."

"You don't know why your father sent you here?" Dr. Park asked. He looked at all of them as they shook their heads no. Even Jungkook. That was the most interaction he'd gotten from that boy so far. He also couldn't help but notice that Jungkook had brought Mr. Sniffles to their therapy session. Why is that stupid thing so damn important?

"Other than the fact he's an asshole, we don't know." Hoseok was the one speaking now. "All he said was that we had ten minutes to pack whatever we could because he finally found a way to get rid of us. He didn't tell us we were being admitted into some kind of psych ward."

"We're not crazy. We shouldn't even be here," Namjoon added. He crossed his arms and suddenly averted his gaze away from the doctor.

Dr. Park figured that was all the information he was going to get regarding that. He kept going. "Your father mentioned that your mother left? Tell me about that."

Jungkook suddenly brought Mr. Sniffles up to his face and started to quietly cry into it.

Yoongi scoffed. "So, that's what he told you too, huh? That she left?"

Dr. Park tilted his head. "Is that not what happened?"

"Oh, it's what happened. She left alright. Left this world, that is. Our mother didn't just get up and fucking walk out. She died in a car accident a few years ago." Yoongi suddenly broke eye contact with Dr. Park and turned his head away, but the small quiver of his bottom lip had been as noticeable as the glint of tears forming in his eyes. Jin reached over and started gently rubbing Yoongi's back.

"I'm sorry, we don't ever talk about it," Jin informed when he realized Yoongi was getting upset.

Dr. Park didn't care whether they wanted to talk about it or not. He was going to make them do it anyway. "You mention that he tells others she left? Why does he not admit that she died in a car accident?"

"Because he's delusional," Namjoon started, "He refuses to believe that our mother is dead. If anything he should be the one locked in this looney bin, not us. He's the one that's crazy and needs help."

"And what makes you say that, Namjoon?" Dr. Park was extremely curious. He also noticed that these kids were actually opening up pretty easily. He realized that deep down they did want to talk to someone about things, they just never had anyone to go to who would listen.

"We all had trouble coping with the loss of our mom. Yet with him, he refused to admit that she was dead. He created this alternate reality where she didn't die, but left. And in his fucked up reality, there's no way she would have left because of him. So who do you think he started blaming?" Namjoon paused for a moment to take a deep breath.

He finished with the most painful statement he ever had to make. "Us. He decided that she had left, and it was all our fault."

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