Get Comfortable: You'll Be Here A While.

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The boys hesitantly made their way into the building. "It seriously smells like something died in here," Namjoon gagged.

This piqued Dr. Park's curiosity, as he couldn't smell it. Then again, he was used to the smell of death. Desensitized, even. He didn't notice it.

"It's an old building, perhaps some birds or squirrels got trapped somewhere recently," Dr. Park informed. It surely isn't my fault. "You'll get used to it."

"Gross," Hoseok mumbled.

As they followed Dr. Park around the inside of the building, they couldn't take their eyes off how rundown it was. They didn't understand how a facility could actually function in this condition, but somehow this doctor was going to make it work.

"And here is where you'll be sleeping." Dr. Park gestured to a large room that didn't even have a door. All that was inside were six metal spring beds with mattresses that looked as uncomfortable as the pavement outside. Baby blue wallpaper was chipping from the walls, and there were dark water stains on the floor. The boys also noticed something extremely sinister about the room.

"Why the fuck are there bars on all the windows?" Namjoon snarled. He turned to his brothers. "Did I not say this was a prison?!"

Dr. Park smiled and walked up to Namjoon, hovering in his face. "You've got quite the vocabulary, don't you?"

Namjoon narrowed his eyes in response and the two silently glared at each other. The other boys stood silent, hiding their nerves.

Dr. Park had studied the human mind enough to know Namjoon wasn't as tough as he acted. He's just a scared little boy like the rest of them. Acting tough to seem bigger than he is.

"So what if I do?" Namjoon suddenly shot back.

"Namjoon...don't." Yoongi's voice traveled in a low whisper.

Dr. Park then patted Namjoon on the shoulder. "We'll work on that. Anyways, let's keep going!" His voice was light and chipper as he turned and made his way down the hall. The boys trailed behind him and all of them gave Namjoon a warning glare. Jin grabbed his arm and pulled his ear close to his mouth, whispering, "Can you not get us in trouble when we just got here? Would that be too hard for you?"

Namjoon shrugged Jin off without replying and carried on his way.

"These are the bathrooms." Dr. Park gestured to a large room with multiple stalls and showers that were divided up. The bathroom looked just as shitty as the bedroom. The boys would soon learn that the entire place was a dump.

Hoseok's curiosity had been growing the more they toured the place. "Where exactly is everyone else?

"Everyone else?" Dr. Park questioned.

"You know, everyone else? Workers? Nurses or something? This is some kind of hospital isn't it? Don't you have secretaries or a cleaning crew? Cooks? You know, staff? Or any other patients for that matter? How are we the only ones here?"

"You think I can't run this place by myself?" Dr. Park put his hand on his chest and gasped dramatically. "I'm offended!"

It was obvious he was teasing, but the boys weren't used to innocent humor. They thought he had actually been offended and they nervously started shifting closer to each other, waiting for some kind of reprimand.

Hoseok was trembling. "I-I-"

The doctor took note of how easily the boys would get nervous. I could have some fun with that later. "Relax, I'm kidding! No offense taken. However, I don't need staff. You boys will be in charge of yourselves. Your own cooking, your own cleaning, your own laundry. You're my only patients at the moment. Lucky you."

A collective groan came from the brothers. Namjoon turned to Hoseok. "Prisoners," he whispered. Hoseok gave his twin a playful shove, then turned back to the doctor.

"What about when you leave for the night? Who watches us then?" Hoseok actually didn't mind the sound of having no adult supervision. A little sense of freedom would be nice.

"Leave for the night?" Dr. Park asked.

Taehyung furrowed his brows, feeling slightly confused. "Don't you go home?"

Dr. Park pointed down the hall. "My room is that way."

"You live here?!" Hoseok gasped.

"It's my building, is it not? I own the place. I can stay all I want."

Dr. Park didn't allow time for any more questions as he continued showing the boys around the building. While showing them the kitchen he told them he hopes they know how to cook.

Fortunately, they'd been independent for quite a while now. Their father was useless so they all knew how to cook, clean, do laundry, and pretty much anything else that needed to be done.  He explained how there would be trucks to deliver food and supplies every now and then. He showed them where they can do their laundry along with the room where they'll have therapy sessions. He brought them outside and showed them the perimeter of the building. They all silently looked up at the tall fence with the spiraled barbed wire at the top and gulped.

Jin turned to Yoongi. "Do you think this is a joke? Maybe it's dad fucking with us. How is this a real hospital?"

"He wouldn't be so kind as to send us out of his presence as a joke. I hate to say it but I think we're actually stuck here for who knows how long." Yoongi looked at his younger brothers who seemed to be in their own worlds as they followed the doctor around. "Jin?"


"Do you think we'll be okay here?" Yoongi started gently rubbing his injured shoulder as it began to throb. Jin watched him for a moment and then silently stared at his twins black eye. He gently wrapped his brother into a side hug once he realized all the pain he was in. "We'll be better than we have been. Are you okay?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I guess. We should probably catch up."

The two had fallen a bit behind everyone else while talking to each other. They followed the doctor back inside as he led them back to their new bedroom.

"Well, that's it for the tour," Dr. Park exclaimed.

The boys awkwardly stood there for a moment until Taehyung spoke up. "So, uhm, now what do we do?"

Dr. Park gestured to the beds and the boys suitcases that were scattered across the floor.

"Get comfortable, you'll be here a while."

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