My Highest Honor.

222 34 22

1950. South Korea.

Park Jimin.


Dr. Park Jimin.

PhD in Psychiatry. My highest honor. And I did it all by the age of 30.

Evening was approaching as Jimin stood outside in the rain. He looked up at the giant rundown brick building before him that he had recently bought. The windows were shattered and graffiti covered most of the brick. The building sat at the end of a long private road, secluded from the public and surrounded by woods.

An old dormitory for boys that had been used in the late 1800's. Whether it was an old detention center or orphanage, Jimin did not care. What he did care about was making this dump look better so he could advertise it and get patients. He'd always wanted a nice and private residential place.

For reasons.

He smiled. My own clients. Under my own, personal care. My own building. I am incredible.

He ignored the rain pouring down on and around him as he continued to inspect the outside of the building. There was a high fence with spiraled barbed wire at the top. As run down as everything was, it was absolutely perfect.

A fence to keep them in. How have I gotten so lucky?

He went over in his head all the renovations he'd need to make to get this place up and running. He didn't care much about the interior, as long as the main structure of the building was secure.

Due to his haste and impatience, within two months his building passed all inspections to open.

He was excited because the day had finally arrived. He had advertised his private practice to the local newspaper, and immediately had an application come back in from someone interested who remained anonymous. While reviewing the application, Jimin saw that it was to admit six brothers.

Kim Jungkook. Age 15.

Kim Taehyung. Age 15.

Kim Namjoon. Age 16.

Kim Hoseok. Age 16.

Kim Yoongi. Age 17.

Kim Seokjin. Age 17.

Three sets of twins in one family?! Six at once? I like a challenge.

He read the little blurb that anonymous had written at the bottom.

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with them but they're all fucked in the head. I want them out of here. If I have to get rid of them my damn self then I will, but I'm hoping this can straighten them out. I warn you, these damn kids might be beyond repair. Pains in the asses, all of them. No wonder their mother left. I'm about to leave too if you can't take them off my hands. I hate being a father. Even worse, I hate these children. For the love of God, take them away from me. I am begging you. Do something about them before I do it myself."

Jimin chuckled. I'll gladly take them.

He checked off the little square box for his records.

Accept Application. [✓]

He smirked. Let the fun begin.

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