Untold Secrets: Therapy Session #I (Cont.)

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After admitting that, Namjoon didn't want to talk anymore. His heart was hurting. Hoseok decided to step in. "And that's when he started to pick up the bottles of alcohol. Our dad never drank before that. But then having to live with the kids he believed were the reason his wife "left" was apparently unbearable for him."

"He's hated us ever since," Jin added, slowly dropping his gaze to the floor.

Dr. Park couldn't believe all the information he was getting in their first session. He figured at this rate there wouldn't even be anything to talk about during a second session. The sessions weren't even important to him. He honestly didn't give a single shit, but he had to play the part, at least for a little while. If anything, he wanted to know what makes them tick.

What makes them sad? What makes them angry?

"What was he like before you lost your mother? What was your mother like?"

Suddenly, all of the boys seemed to sit up a little straighter, and the doctor saw their eyes light up.

Jin and Yoongi immediately started talking about the wonderful woman their mother was. How she was social and got along with everyone, how she was protective of all her children, etc. Namjoon mentioned that Yoongi and Taehyung took after their mom a lot, with them being quite social and always the most protective two of the bunch.

They also talked about their father. How he was the best dad in the world and loved them and their mom more than anything. They also mentioned that Jungkook developed their mother's more sensitive side. "Incase you didn't notice," Hoseok giggled. He looked at Jungkook, who still hadn't said a word but at least his tears had stopped.

"But that was then. That's not who he is anymore." Taehyung sighed. "We didn't only lose our mother that day. We lost our father too."

The mood instantly went somber once again. There were only so many good memories the boys had, but they were becoming more and more distant as time went on. None of their more recent memories were any good.

Dr. Park was glad that Hoseok mentioned Jungkook, because he wanted to pick at that boys brain too. He turned to the quiet kid who was clutching his stuffed puppy. "I haven't heard from you yet. Can I ask you some questions?"

Jungkook's cheeks started turning red.

Taehyung spoke up. "He doesn't-"

Dr. Park immediately put his hand up to stop Taehyung from talking. "Please, Taehyung. I am speaking to Jungkook."

"I know but-"

"Taehyung." Dr. Park still had his hand in the air. "Does he know how to speak?" The doctor generally started to wonder if Jungkook wasn't actually capable of talking.

"Yes, he knows how to talk but-"

Dr. Park interrupted Taehyung as he kept his eyes on Jungkook. "Then let him talk."

Taehyung got frustrated and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. If he doesn't want to talk, then he doesn't want to talk.

"Jungkook, can I ask you some questions?" The doctor asked again.

Yoongi suddenly stood up and walked behind Jungkook, wrapping his arms around him in a back hug. He leaned into his dongsaengs ear and spoke to him. "It's okay to talk to him, Jungkookie. He's not going to hurt you. We're all right here."

Jungkook shook his head no. He absolutely refused. 

"I tried to tell you," Taehyung said.

Dr. Park was getting impatient and figured he'd try again another time. He decided to go ahead and ask the others about Mr. Sniffles. "Why is that stuffed animal so important?"

Yoongi remained behind Jungkook as he began rubbing his back. He could feel how insanely tense the younger had gotten. "It was a gift from our mother," he informed. "She gave it to him the very morning before she died. He kind of just grew attached to it. Like a pacifier or something."

"Yeah, unfortunately," Namjoon snarled.

Dr. Park was surprised at Namjoon's sudden expressed annoyance with the stuffed toy. He asked Namjoon to elaborate.

"All it has done is cause problems. Our father knows how attached Jungkook became to it, so what do you think he constantly does to hurt Jungkook? If you haven't noticed that thing is all stitched and patched up. That's because our father likes to torture him by stealing it and trying to destroy it." He pointed at Yoongi. "You can see that black eye as clearly as the rest of us. You want to know how he got that? Dad got tired of beating on Jungkook for the day, so he went and took Mr. Sniffles instead. Yoongi is oddly protective of the damn thing and always fights dad for it, resulting in his own injuries. He messed his shoulder up too. All of that because of that stuffed mutt, and yet what does Yoongi do every single time? He stitches and patches the damn thing back together and gives it right back!"

Yoongi huffed. "Well excuse me for not liking to see my little brother cry! If it helps his anxiety and he needs it, then yes, I'm willing to take my chances! He has a damn panic attack if that thing goes missing for too long. If I can do something to help, I'm going to."

Namjoon stood up and faced Yoongi. "If you'd let the damn thing get destroyed already, he'd learn to live without it and then it wouldn't be a problem anymore."

Jungkook shot up out of his chair and ran out of the room. Taehyung and Jin both immediately shot to their feet and chased after him in a panic.

Yoongi turned back to the doctor. "Incase it wasn't obvious yet, guess who Namjoon has been taking after lately? He's been turning into an ass just like our father."

Hoseok was the only one left sitting. He felt a bit dumbfounded and embarrassed over his brothers behavior. "I'm so sorry about all of this."

Dr. Park stood up. "I think that's enough therapy for one day."

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