Chapter 14

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Taylor's POV

I woke up in travis's bed alone, i looked over at the clock 7:32 he shouldn't even be up yet, I sighed and sat up grabbing my phone off what had become my side of the bed. It was friday which meant I would be going back to new york for a few days, travis had an away game and I really needed to get into a studio even if it was just my home one, I had felt so free writing in travis's house. I felt safe and like I could write the stuff i could write. And playing what i was writing for someone who actually cared made my insides feel all warm and fuzzy

I scrolled through my unread texts but didn't open them, I had been avoiding most my responsibilities for the past 5 days and it was going great, but i knew I should at least respond to jack's messages about where i was and if I could come to the studio,

Jack - Can you please respond I need to book out the studio and I need to know when you're around we have an album to finish and you are MIA and tree isn't giving me an answer

Taylor - I am in Missouri at the moment leaving in a bit back for a day and a bit then going back to mussoorie, lmk when you can get studio time, if not we can work in my apartment

I got an instant response

Jack - About time tay been trying to message you, why are you in missouri is my first question and second tonight Electric Lady? I'll bring pizza.

Taylor - sounds good should be back in NY about 4pm

As i am sending the message Jack comes into the room.

"Sorry sweetie did I wake you up?" He asks placing a mug of coffee on my bed side table,

"Humm, no not at all. Was wondering where you were," I said putting my phone down.

"Thought we could spent some time together this morning," He said sliding into the bed next to me.

"Yeh, why is that?" I asked cuddling into his side, Touch had always been my love language but with joe his was always gifts, Travis seemed to want whatever I wanted. If I wanted a guitar for his place i had it, if I wanted to cuddle up in bed and just touch him, I had that as well.

"You are coming to my game against the bears," I hummed at his statement allowing him to continue,

"My mom is coming to the next week, I was wondering if you wanted to meet her before the game?" He said trailing his hand down my side and back up my stomach.

"You want me to meet your mom?" I asked, "We have been together a week," I said bitting my lip,

"Tay I hate to admit it but I am falling for you so hard, and we decided you would come to the game and that means meeting my mom either today or next week," He said placing his hand on my lip so i couldn't bite down as hard as to cause it to bleed,

"I'm falling for you to, and I get it. But what if she dosen't like me?" I asked sighing.

"She will love you I promise," He said kissing my head,

"My mom wants to meet you," I laughed, "My dad hasn't stoped texting me about you either making sure your treating me right,"

"I would hope so, his daughter deserves a man who knows how to treat you right," He said kissing my neck hard enough to leave a mark, i should have cared but to be honest I didn't.

I let out a contented sigh as Travis's lips continued their trail down my neck, relishing in the warmth and safety of his embrace. As much as I enjoyed these quiet moments with Travis, I couldn't help but think about the looming task ahead of me – returning to New York to finish recording our upcoming album with Jack. The pressure was mounting, and I couldn't afford any distractions.

I'm His Lady - Tayvis / TnT -Where stories live. Discover now