Chapter 22 - Mature Content -

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Taylor's POV

November 10th 2023

I woke up to the gentle rhythm of raindrops tapping against the hotel windows, a soft melody that accompanied the unsettling discovery of over a hundred missed calls from Tree and my tour manager. The gray morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

Sighing, I unlocked my phone and dialed Tree's number, fully aware of her mounting frustration. The call connected on the first ring. "Took you long enough," she snapped, her tone sharp and biting.

"It's 8 am; I don't need to be up till noon," I defended myself, subtly referring to the impending arrival of both Travis and my dad in Argentina around 12:30. My voice was a mix of grogginess and irritation.

"Well, this is important," she retorted, her irritation palpable through the phone, mingling with the sound of the rain in the background.

"I'm sorry, okay? What's going on?" I asked, trying to match her intensity while keeping my cool.

"The stadium is flooded. We're pumping out the water, but there's no chance we can do a show tonight," Tree explained, her voice steady but strained, battling the sound of the intensifying rain.

"Are you kidding me?" I exploded, frustration bubbling within me as I paced the room.

"No, Taylor, I'm not," she replied, her tone serious and resolute, leaving no room for negotiation.

"I've postponed one show in the last 16 years. I'm not doubling it today," I declared firmly, marching over to my closet where my clothes, arranged meticulously for the day, awaited me, along with three extra outfits approved for any occasion. The sight of them did little to calm my rising anxiety.

"You don't have a choice. Spend the day with Travis and your dad, go out for dinner. It's not what you want, but we should be okay tomorrow," she instructed, her tone firm, akin to a mother guiding a rebellious teenager.

"Fine," I grumbled as I dressed quickly, my movements jerky with pent-up frustration. "Move the show to Monday, don't cancel," I commanded with stern determination, pulling on a comfortable yet stylish outfit for the unexpected day off.

"Tay, sweetie, that's going to be expensive," Tree cautioned, a note of concern seeping into her hurried voice.

"I have the money. Just do it," I replied firmly, feeling the weight of the situation before hanging up the call, a surge of mixed emotions coursing through me. The unsettling stillness in the wake of the canceled show pushed me to text Travis immediately.

Tay: Had to postpone the show due to the rain. Will be there when you get here. Tree wants us to do something.

The weight of the situation hit me harder than expected. Tears welled up, threatening to spill over as I quickly gathered my things and made my way to the airport lounge to meet Travis and my dad. The normally bustling lounge seemed oddly quiet, the silence amplifying my frustration and disappointment.

As soon as Travis walked into the airport lounge, his eyes scanned the room until they landed on me. The moment our eyes met, I couldn't hold back anymore. I found myself running to him, tears streaming down my face.

"Shh, it's okay, love," he murmured softly, enfolding me in his arms. His embrace was warm and solid, a comforting presence amidst the chaos in my mind. We stood there, locked in an embrace, his strength grounding me while my dad watched on, understanding etched on his face.

"I'm so pissed off," I finally uttered, my voice barely audible against his chest. The frustration and disappointment were overwhelming, spilling out in a torrent of emotion.

I'm His Lady - Tayvis / TnT -Where stories live. Discover now