Regulus Knew

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Regulus Black knew that he was born to be a backup. He was the in case all else plans failed. The Plan B, The extra, the spare.

He also knew that as long as he stayed a good, loyal, and obedient son, then Orion and Walburga would turn as much of a blind eye on Sirius as Noble and ancient Pure Blood families like his could.

He knew too, that he would never be happy. He found this when watching one cousin be blasted off the family tree for running off to be with someone she loved, and his other cousin being married to someone she didn't love, that he would have to watch as the one he fell in love with chased after another year after year. He knew he would end up married to someone he didn't love, like his cousin, if he did end up living through the war.

He knew that names had power. And that once someone heard his name, he was either deemed dangerous, Evil, or dark. He knew that once he was put into Slytherin he would never have a good relationship with his brother again. Because as much as Sirius said he wouldn't mind, he would.

He knew that he could never switch sides like his- like Sirius, and the moment that he told Sirius that he had to stay, Sirius would never understand.  Because Sirius had a choice, though he never understood he had a choice, Sirius had a choice, stay for regulus, or leave Regular there. Because a son of the blacks was always going to be marked. And in the end it was Regulus. Because as much as they tortured his, Sirius, they ended up torturing him ten times worse. Burning a mark into his skin, branding him like cattle.

He knew that soon as he found the weakness of the dark lord, a way to defeat him, a chance to escape that torture. And prove to all that said he was not a good brother or not a good wizard, and prove to himself that he was more than just a coward and that they were all wrong, he would take it as soon as he could.

He knew that it was his only opportunity to truly be free, to truly be happy. To get away from war and far away from the god-awful burden that is carrying the Black family name.

He knew tha though he would be hated in death. By his family for turning against the dark lord, and by his brother for being a coward it was his only chance. And as he was pulled under by the slimy hands of the Infury, he knew, that he had done something, and not as the backup not as a death eater, or brother to Sirius Black, but as just Regulus.

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