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Moonpaw panted hurriedly as she darted through the bushes towards the ShadowClan border. The moon was growing a darker red as they days passed, and Bramblestar had demanded a meaning from her for what StarClan was trying to tell everyone. When she'd had no dreams, Bramblestar figured it must have meant that the Clans would be swept with the blood of dead clanmates if the codebreakers weren't punished.

And of course he just had to tell all the Clans the wonderful meaning of the sign. Except, he himself hadn't done it. 

He'd told Moonpaw to do it.  

Moonpaw flicked her ears guiltily. Sure, it wasn't the first time she'd lied about a sign from StarClan to everyone, but she'd felt possibly even worse this time. 

To make matters worse, Flowertail still hadn't returned. Bramblestar had named her a codebreaker to be punished if she returned, but everyone assumed she'd ran away from the Clans with her new mate and his sister. 

Since the kits were left alone, Moonpaw had felt bad for them and had tried to take care of them herself, which was especially hard to do when both Jayfeather and Alderheart were exiled, leaving Moonpaw as the only medicine cat in ThunderClan.

She hated to leave Nyx's kits behind, but she couldn't stay in ThunderClan anymore. She knew ShadowClan would accept her; they'd accepted all the other exiled cats, and Shadepaw had promised a space for her if she chose it during their nightly secret meetings where she vented all her problems out to him.

Since Flowertail's absence, Moonpaw had relied heavily on Shadepaw's support, and she hadn't realized how close they'd grown as littermates until last night.


"I can't stay in ThunderClan. I'm going to join the other exiled cats in ShadowClan." Moonpaw told him.

Shadepaw blinked concernedly at her. "What about the rest of ThunderClan? They need a medicine cat to take care of them."

Moonpaw shifted her paws uncomfortably. "I know but..." She stopped.

I don't want to be selfish, I-

"It's okay. I know what to do." He told her reassuringly.

Moonpaw raised her brow. "Really?"

"It'll all happen tomorrow. You'll know it's happening when you see it." He promised, then nodded to her and disappeared into the undergrowth before she could answer.


Sure enough, Moonpaw had known exactly what Shadepaw's plan was when she saw it. 

After all, there was no other reason why Icepool and Shadepaw would join ThunderClan. Just as Shadepaw had predicted, after a few seconds of conflicted thinking, Bramblestar accepted Icepool back into ThunderClan, along with Shadepaw. 

Because Icepool had some knowledge about herbs, it meant Moonpaw was free to leave.

So, despite her gut-wrenching guilt, she ran.

Despite the shrieks she could hear back at the ThunderClan camp, she ran.

Despite the fact that she knew continuing forward would ruin everything, she ran.

She couldn't turn back and she knew it.


Menace and Maple stood as still as stone behind her. and even Cliff, despite not completely understanding what was going on, froze.

Blood trickled in a stream and a few droplets splashed softly onto Flowertail's paws.

Then she broke.

Ignoring the fact that she was Menace's mother, she lunged at Littlebird, and Maple just managed to catch her by the scruff. Flowertail hissed and writhed as Maple tried to keep her under control.

"What...what did you do?" Menace asked, stunned.

Littlebird calmly started grooming herself, a flicker of amusement flashing in her eyes. "Oh, well, I just took what belonged to me anyway."

Menace stared at her along with every other cat in ThunderClan.

"I should probably explain, shouldn't I? I took what rightfully belonged to Scourge...and therefore, what rightfully belonged to me."

"Wait, don't tell them-" Menace's eyes widened in alarm.

"Because my mate fought for this and Scourge would want me to have it." Littlebird finished.

Several accusing eyes flashed to Menace and Maple. 

"You killed them!" Maple yowled at her.

Littlebird nodded calmly. "Yes, I did." She raised her brow curiously as if she couldn't see the problem with any of this.

Maple took a paw-step back and Littlebird narrowed her eyes.

"Where are you going? I'm the leader of this Clan now. We're all going to live here now. Together." Littlebird stepped forward and flicked her tail to the shadows.

Rogue cats pooled out, and Flowertail understood why ThunderClan hadn't fought back; the rogues outnumbered them by far, and she could already feel Menace backing away towards the camp exit.

"Get out! Out!" Maple shrieked, darting forward in a blue blur and shoving Menace and Cliff forward.

Littlebird purred loudly and watched calmly as the four of them scrambled out of the hollow. She flicked her ear.

"Kill those two."

Flowertail could just see the rogues bursting into action and jumping after them. Menace made a bee-line to the ShadowClan border, and Flowertail hoped the exiled cats were still staying there.

Past the thick clumps of trees and undergrowth, the shimmering, flickering surface of the stream caught Flowertail's gaze and she pushed towards it.

"Where are you going?!" Menace yowled.

"Further upstream it gets wider. We can lose them."

Menace nodded for Cliff and Maple to follow, and Flowertail tried to ignore the icy chill that shot up her pelt and bones as she plunged into the water.

A glance behind them gave Flowertail all the adrenaline she needed to pull herself out of the stream and rush into the pine trees.

Will I ever go home again?

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