Alone......for a few hours

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What font do you guys like more?

"Kiyopon slow down." Haruka gasped in pleasure. or "Kiyopon slow down." Haruka gasped in pleasure.

Also, is my writing style good or is there something I should change, would you guys want me to bring back the Kun stuff and maybe edit the old chapters with it?

Once I had finished inside the bathroom, I exited the room and walked to the kitchen so that I could grab a bit of food.

It seems Kushida is more of a quick thinker than I had previously believed.

She had taken the backpack and filled it with food. She probably did it the second she heard gunshots and started packing hoping to leave before whatever was outside had gotten in.

But what she hadn't planned is that I would "hold it off" and tell them to leave without me, the reason is that she thought I was a cruel man and had already planned to sacrifice her and the others but hopefully, my sacrifice might put me a bit higher on her scale.

Now if they had stayed together or were still alive, she would have to share with everyone. Which she wouldn't be too ecstatic about. I grabbed the axe and a regular bag we used to use for class.

Now where would be a good place to start looking for them or other survivors? I could get Keyeki Mall but it was filled with zombies and I don't want to deal with all that if I don't have to.

There are second and third-year dormitories nearby, so there is the possibility of staying there. It is possible that they had not even left the dorms in the first place? I made sure that I cleared out the entire first-year dorm so that it would remain a safe zone unless someone got bit and decided to hide, or if it was breached.

After getting out of the room, I was holding a bag filled with a small amount of food as well as the axe in my right hand. Upon checking the floor I was on first, I did not find anything on that floor. A bit of food here and there but I didn't need any more than I already had.

It was not until I had made my way downwards that I discovered anything, other than the fact that the first and second floors had been robbed.

As a matter of fact, they were practically empty. It was impossible to find any food or basic necessities such as clothes or even toothpaste that people could use. All of it had been stolen.

I exited the dorms and went down the sidewalk without being noticed. It was full of both dead students and zombified students. Someone had been killing the zombies here apart from me.

The ones I hit with nails a while ago were now lying on the ground with part of their heads missing, brains splattered on the ground making a gushing noise when I stepped on them.

I glanced behind me, before cautiously making my way to a deserted alleyway adjacent to a convenience store. The alley was shadowed and silent, the perfect cover. I pressed my back against the rough brick wall and carefully climbed up trying to be as silent as possible. Using the brick wall and ledges to pull myself up until I reached the rooftop of the building, where I could get a better vantage point to find the others.

Before starting my search, I glanced up at the sky, where the bright moon hung high, casting its white glow over the scene. Its light illuminated the blood-stained streets, where a few flickering lampposts added a dim, eerie glow, highlighting the blood and flesh that had been on the streets and walls. Flies have begun accumulating.

"It really is a nice view," I said out loud.

"Thank you, you're pretty good yourself."

I turned my head to see a girl standing there, her presence both startling and intimidating. I was fairly certain she was a senpai, due to me never seeing her in classes or during special tests. She had striking platinum blonde hair that shone even in the dim light, cascading down to her thighs. She wore a red jacket that contrasted sharply with the white shirt underneath, which was covered by bloodstains. Her blue jeans were similarly covered with droplets of blood. In her hand, she held a metal pipe covered with blood and other undead fluids. Her face bore a smirk, a chilling expression that conveyed a mixture of amusement and menace as she looked at me.

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