Chapter 5

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I was waiting for mum to take me to the platform.
"Scorp! Are you in the kitchen?" Mum yelled down the stairs.
"In the library!" Yep, the library. But what do you expect out of Malfoy Manor. Mum walked in a moment later, wearing her uniform.
"Sweetie, your father is taking you to King's Cross today, I got called to the office." Mum is a healer at St Mungo's, she did the emergency operations. Since she found out about the twins though, she just does recovery.
"That is okay, you go help people. I'm sure Dad won't mind. After all I'm his favorite." 'For now.' A little voice added from the back of my head.
"Alright, now make sure you write to us as often as possible. Treat Slughorn kindly, and do not under any circumstance get on McGonagall's bad side, okay?"
"Alright mum."
"I love you, be safe, and have fun. We're here when you need us." With that she hugged me, turned on her heel, and apparated away.
'Looks like I have to find Dad, yippee.'

"Rose, Rose, Rose! Wake up! Do you want to sleep through your entire birthday?." I heard Hugo say before jumping on my bed.
"Actually, yes. Yes I do."
"Did you forget what day your birthday was?"
"Oh, damn it." I shot up straight out of bed, grabbed my clothes, and went to my bathroom. My birthday, if you haven't already figured it out, is on September 1. The day Hogwarts starts back up. And if I didn't hurry I would be late getting to the station. I finished taking a shower and quickly dried off. I put on my crop top and black skinny jeans. Then I brushed my teeth and hair. I then went back to my room grabbing Scorpius' hoodie, I ran downstairs to eat, already smelling eggs and muffins. I turned the corner and ran into Dad.
"Whoa. Sweetie slow down, I saved you a muffin." He teased. "Where did that sweatshirt come from?" He questioned.
"My closet." I said, thanking Merlin that this was just a simple black hoodie.
"Okay, well you may want to hurry if you want to eat. Hugo is in there."
I yelped and ran for the kitchen. Hugo was about to grab the last muffin. So I, being the hungry teen I am, lunged for it. Hugo jumped, and Mum just laughed.
"Why did you do that?" Hugo practically shrieked.
"Cause you were 'bout to grab the last muffin." Taking a bite afterward. Then running back to my room to grab my wand and shoes. I really need to learn to keep everything in one spot. Oh well.
"Rose, you have an owl! The note on him says his name is Apollo." Mum called. That's Scorp's owl. Why did he owl me?
"Coming Mum." I called after putting my black vans on. I ran down the stairs and into the sitting room. Apollo was sitting patiently on the mantle. I took the parchment and read it.

Dear Rose,

Happy Birthday! Someone told me and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. So, do you maybe want to, go out with me on the next Hogsmead trip? You don't have to, just asking. So, have a nice birthday and see you on the train.

Scorpius Malfoy

Scorp wants to go on a date with me. WITH ME! Oh Merlin. I gave Apollo a treat and he flew away in a hurry. I have to tell Mum, right? Well can't tell Dad that's for sure. I let out a groan of frustration and went to the one person I trust most, more than Mum.
"HUGOOO!!!" I shouted.
"ROOOSE!!!" He yelled back.
"I need your help." I started, finding him in the yard.
"With what exactly? And what are you willing to pay?"
"I'll buy you however many Chocolate Frogs and Licorice Wands you want from the trolley."
"Wow, you are desperate. What is the problem?"
"Someone asked me on a date and I don't know if I should tell Mum. I want to go cause I really like him. But Dad may disapprove. What do I do?" I begged.
"Go on the date, don't tell Dad, but go tell Mum. She'll understand."
"I hope so."
"I'll understand what?"
"Not tell me what?"
Mum and Dad both came out of nowhere. I can't lie to them, even if I wanted to.
"I, uh, I have-"
"She has a date with Scorpius Malfoy." Hugo stated nonchalantly.
I just stared at him. Did he seriously just say that. Dad looked outraged and Mum looked like she was on Cloud Nine.
"I'm in the sixth year, i think I can date now. And Scorp's isn't like Mr. Malfoy. At all. And Hugo, how did you now it was Scorp anyways?"
"Just the way you were talking about the date."
"My baby girl is not going out with anybody. That's final." Dad raged.
"Ronald, I think it is time that Rose had a date, she's old enough to." Mum snapped back.
"But, my baby girl-"
"Is growing up. There is nothing you can do about it, alright?" Mum soothed Dad as I was trying to sneak away.
I succeeded to my bedroom to reply back to Scorp before boarding the train. I wrote the note. Called over Rhea, my snowy barn owl, and gave her the location and a treat, then went my merry way. I just hope nothing goes bad.
Before you freak out, I will start updating every Saturday or Sunday at the latest. And GG and I are AMERICAN! Meaning we don't have the same spelling or grammar as others countries.

Picture is Rose's owl, Rhea

See ya lata

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